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Михаил (19.04.2017 - 06:11:11)
книге:  Петля и камень на зелёной траве

Потрясающая книга. Не понравится только нацистам.

Антихрист666 (18.04.2017 - 21:05:58)
книге:  Дом чудовищ (Подвал)

Классное чтиво!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ладно, теперь поспешили вы... (18.04.2017 - 20:50:34)
книге:  Физики шутят

"Не для сайта!" – это не имя. Я пытался завершить нашу затянувшуюся неудачную переписку, оставшуюся за окном сайта, а вы вын... >>

Роман (18.04.2017 - 18:12:26)
книге:  Если хочешь быть богатым и счастливым не ходи в школу?

Прочитал все его книги! Великий человек, кардинально изменил мою жизнь.

АНДРЕЙ (18.04.2017 - 16:42:55)
книге:  Технология власти

ПОЛЕЗНАЯ КНИГА. Жаль, что мало в России тех, кто прочитал...

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Опять сентябрь, и голос звонкий,
Как прежде- первого звонка.
Удачи вам, мои девчонки!
Пусть сердце Каждого ребенка
У вас хранится на руках!
И пусть заботы и работа
Не огорчат вас никогда
Здоровы будьте! Остальное -
поверьте, это-ерунда!

01.09.10 - 11:17

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Книги жанра :: Триллеры

Krucjata Боурнеа, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Krucjata Боурнеа
Автор:   Ludlum Robert
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Jest to drugi tom powesci o agencie Jasonie Bournie. "Miedzynarodowy spisek oplata siecia intrygi caly swiat. Jej macki siegaja z Hongkongu do Waszyngtonu i Pekinu. Wplatany wbrew swojej woli w zagadkowa i bezwzgledna gre superagent Jason Bourne znow musi walczyc i zabijac. W miare jak zrywa kolejne zaslony falszu, przekonuje sie, ze stawka jest zycie ukochanej kobiety i utrzymanie niepewn...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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La Caza, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
La Caza
Автор:   Brennan Allison
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: S?lo hay una cosa que Miranda no puede perdonarse a s? misma: haber sobrevivido. Doce a?os atr?s, consigui? escapar de las manos del asesino conocido como El carnicero, pero al hacerlo tuvo que dejar atr?s a otras v?ctimas como ella, atrapadas, torturadas y asesinadas por un s?dico que siempre ha ido un paso por delante de la polic?a. Ahora, vuelve a actuar. Miranda ya no es la presa, sino el c...
Рейтинг книги: 2.0/5 (голосов: 2)
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La Historiadora, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
La Historiadora
Автор:   Kostova Elizabeth
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Durante a?os, Paul fue incapaz de contarle a su hija la verdad sobre la obsesi?n que ha guiado su vida. Ahora, entre papeles, ella descubre una historia que comenz? con la extra?a desaparici?n del mentor de Paul, el profesor Rossi. Tras las huellas de su querido maestro, Paul recorri? antiguas bibliotecas en Estambul, monasterios en ruinas en Rumania, remotas aldeas en Bulgaria… Cuanto m?s se a...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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La Odisea De Troya, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
La Odisea De Troya
Автор:   Cussler Clive
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Una marea gigante de agua contaminada amenaza la costa de Nicaragua. Al tiempo, un enorme y misterioso hurac?n se forma en el Caribe y avanza con una velocidad asombrosa.En su camino se encuentra un barco de cruceros, de dimensiones nunca vistas. La muerte amenaza a un n?mero incalculable de personas. Dirk Pitt, su hijo y Al Giordano acuden a rescatarles, pero cuando lo han hecho descubren algo...
Рейтинг книги: 3.0/5 (голосов: 1)
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La Sustancia Interior, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
La Sustancia Interior
Автор:   Silva Lorenzo
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: En un pa?s indeterminado, en una ?poca tampoco especificada, un extranjero llega a una catedral en construcci?n para tallar la siller?a del coro. All?, entre andamios, herramientas, alba?iles y capataces, descubre una compleja organizaci?n, gobernada por oscuros personajes, que convierten la complicada tarea de erigir el templo en un instrumento para otros fines. Poco a poco, el extranjero se v...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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La asesina ilustrada, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
La asesina ilustrada
Автор:   Vila-matas Enrique
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Este inquietante y misterioso libro criminal fue escrito por Enrique Vila-Matas cuando en 1975 viv?a en Par?s y ley? que a Unamuno, mientras viv?a en esa misma ciudad, se le ocurri? la idea de una novela que provocara la muerte de quien la leyera. Vila-Matas sufri? un leve rev?s cuando, al decidir llevar a cabo el proyecto de este libro asesino, y coment?rselo a Marguerite Duras, que era entonc...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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La niebla y la doncella, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
La niebla y la doncella
Автор:   Silva Lorenzo
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: No siempre las cosas son como parecen y a menudo, lo obvio no resulta ser lo real. Al sargento Bevilaqua le encomiendan la tarea de investigar la muerte de un joven alocado en la Gomera. Todo apuntaba a Juan Luis G?mez Padilla, pol?tico de renombre en la isla, al que un tribunal popular absolvi? a pesar de la aparente contundencia de las primeras pesquisas. El sargento y su inseparable cabo Cha...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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La presa, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
La presa
Автор:   Brennan Allison
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Cuando Rowan dej? el FBI para dedicarse a escribir novelas de suspense, crey? que comenzaba una vida mucho m?s tranquila y relajada. Se equivocaba: un asesino en serie est? recreando en sus v?ctimas los cr?menes de los libros que ella ha escrito, paso por paso, fundiendo realidad y ficci?n en una pesadilla de la que la joven no puede escapar. Forzada a aceptar la protecci?n del equipo formado p...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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Labyrinth, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Автор:   Mosse Kate
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: In this extraordinary thriller, rich in the atmospheres of medieval and contemporary France, the lives of two women born centuries apart are linked by a common destiny. July 2005. In the Pyrenees mountains near Carcassonne, Alice, a volunteer at an archaeological dig stumbles into a cave and makes a startling discovery-two crumbling skeletons, strange writings on the walls, and the pattern of a...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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Lady Killer, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Lady Killer
Автор:   Scottoline Lisa
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: From Publishers WeeklyPhiladelphia attorney Mary DiNunzio, last seen in Killer Smile (2004), agrees to help her high school nemesis, Trish Gambone, at the start of this less than convincing thriller from bestseller Scottoline. Trish, whom Mary used to regard as the quintessential Mean Girl, has turned in desperation to the lawyer, the all-around Most Likely to Achieve Sainthood at St. Maria Gor...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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Last Call, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Last Call
Автор:   Grippando James
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Many years ago, Jack Swyteck saved Theo Knight's life.Theo grew up on the streets of Miami 's roughest neighborhood and lost his mother to a violent crime. Although his uncle Cy tried his best to raise him right, by the time he was a teenager, Theo was on death row for a murder he didn't commit. Jack was the lawyer who proved him innocent.Now a successful bar owner, Theo has turned ...
Рейтинг книги: 1.0/5 (голосов: 1)
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Last to die, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Last to die
Автор:   Grippando James
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Tatum Knight is a former contract killer. Ruthless. Conniving. And he's Jack's newest client. Tatum is the older brother of Jack's best friend, Theo. Theo himself spent time on death row until Jack found the evidence to prove him innocent. Jack isn't so sure about Tatum.A gorgeous young woman has been shot dead in her Mercedes on a Miami street. Tatum denies that he had anything...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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Lejos De Aquel Instante, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Lejos De Aquel Instante
Автор:   Abasolo Jose Javier
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: `Lejos de aquel instante` obtuvo en 1996 el Premio de Novela Prensa Canaria y fue candidata al Premio Hammett de la Semana Negra de Gij?n a la mejor novela polic?aca en castellano, todo lo cual confirma a Jos? Javier como uno de los autores espa?oles de g?nero negro mas destacados del panorama actual, cuya proyecci?n en otros pa?ses empieza a resultar imparable con la traducci?n de su obra al f...
Рейтинг книги: 5.0/5 (голосов: 2)
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Lethal Exposure, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Lethal Exposure
Автор:   Anderson Kevin J
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Anderson and Beason are both physicists, which gives their latest plenty of scientific authenticity. So if you know the difference between Feynman diagrams and scattering matrices and don't mind two-dimensional characters, this should be your superconducting cup of tea. Nobel-nominated physicist Georg Dumenco is blasted with radiation while working on a project at Fermilab?the Fermi Nationa...
Рейтинг книги: 2.7/5 (голосов: 3)
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Liar, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Автор:   Burke Jan
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Intrepid sleuth/reporter Irene Kelly barely has time to recover from the shock of learning that her estranged aunt has been killed before being blindsided by an even bigger surprise – she's the number one suspect! Irene searches for her aunt's son, Travis – a young man who wants nothing to do with Irene or any of the Kelly clan. The seeds of contention sown by family members no longer l...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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Lifeguard, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Автор:   Patterson James
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: From Publishers WeeklyBeach bum Ned Kelly, a part-time lifeguard, pool guy and errand runner in Palm Beach, Fla., has just scored with beautiful, rich Tess McAuliffe. Life sure is looking up, especially from his days back in chilly South Boston. He's looking forward to another round with Tess, but first he has to help some smalltime hoodlum pals commit a $60-million art heist. It's supp...
Рейтинг книги: 1.5/5 (голосов: 2)
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Llamada A Medianoche, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Llamada A Medianoche
Автор:   Gerritsen Tess
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Una llamada a medianoche despert? a la reci?n casada Sarah Fontaine. En lugar de o?r la voz de su marido desde Londres, oy? la de un desconocido llamado Nick O'Hara que le dec?a que Geoffrey hab?a muerto en el incendio de un hotel en Berl?n. Convencida de que su marido estaba todav?a vivo, Sarah decidi? investigar por su cuenta con la ayuda de Nick. Hab?a demasiadas preguntas sin respuesta,...
Рейтинг книги: 2.0/5 (голосов: 1)
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London Bridges, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
London Bridges
Автор:   Patterson James
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: From Publishers WeeklyAny thriller writer, wannabe or actual, would do well to study Patterson's 10th Alex Cross novel. A sequel to last year's The Big Bad Wolf, the book is a model of economy, delivering a full package of suspense, emotion and characterization in a minimum number of words. The story brings back not only Big Bad Wolf's arch-villain, the Russian mobster known as the ...
Рейтинг книги: 5.0/5 (голосов: 1)
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Loyalty in Death, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Loyalty in Death
Автор:   Robb J. D.
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: In 21st-century New York City, tough-as-nails cop Eve Dallas can survive a bombing, seduce her husband, and outsmart a terrorist-all on four hours of sleep. In this latest installment of the In Death series, author J.D. Robb (a.k.a. Nora Roberts) casts our heroine against an enigmatic group of terrorists named Cassandra. With no clear motivation or demands, Cassandra feeds on the thrill of sens...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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Marker, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Автор:   Cook Robin
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: The master of the medical thriller returns with his most heart-pounding tale yet.Twenty-eight-year-old Sean McGillin is the picture of health, until he fractures his leg while in-line skating in New York City 's Central Park. Within twenty-four hours of his surgery, he dies.A thirty-six-year-old mother, Darlene Morgan, has knee surgery to repair a torn ligament in her knee. And within twent...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
Отзывы о книге Marker   читатели о книге (0)

Maximum Bob, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Maximum Bob
Автор:   Leonard Elmore
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Enter the world of Elmore Leonard. The setting is Palm Beach County, Florida, where someone places a live ten-foot alligator in the backyard of the bigoted, redneck judge Bob Gibbs-known to all as Maximum Bob-and his wife, Leanne, a former Weeki Wachee mermaid. Not long after that, shots are fired into the judge's house. It doesn't take much figuring to conclude that someone's out t...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
Автор:   Patterson James
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: From Publishers WeeklyThemes from Patterson's popular adult titles When the Wind Blows and The Lake House waft through this YA thriller, the author's first in the genre. Wood stars as Maximum Ride, 14-year-old leader of a band of kids who have escaped the lab where they were bred as 98% human and 2% bird (wings being a key component) and developed a variety of other-worldly talents. In ...
Рейтинг книги: 4.4/5 (голосов: 11)
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Micah, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Автор:   Гамильтон Лорел
Жанр:   Триллеры, Фэнтези.
Описание: Vampire hunter extraordinaire Anita Blake arrives in Philadelphia to raise a witness from the dead so that his testimony can be taken with the help of Micah, the king of the wereleopards, but she is more fearful of spending time alone with Micah, her former lover, than dealing with a zombie.
Рейтинг книги: 3.8/5 (голосов: 28)
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Midnight Plus One, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Midnight Plus One
Автор:   Lyall Gavin
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Lewis Cane is an ex-SOE operative who worked with the French Resistance against Nazi Germany. He stayed in Paris after the end of World War II, making a somewhat precarious living as a business expediter. One day he is approached by a lawyer, Henri Merlin, a former resistance comrade, with a job: a wealthy international financier, Maganhard, needs to be driven from Brittany to Liechtenstein in ...
Рейтинг книги: 0.0/5 (голосов: 0)
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Mindbend, читать, скачать txt, zip, jar
Автор:   Cook Robin
Жанр:   Триллеры
Описание: Grand Rapids Press A mind-boggling page-turner…Robin Cook has another sure bestseller.A storyteller of the most daring imagination…chillingly entertaining and thought-provoking. – Associated Press***A gigantic drug firm has offered an aspiring young doctor a lucrative job that will help support his pregnant wife. It could make their dreams come true-or their nightmares…
Рейтинг книги: 1.0/5 (голосов: 1)
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