Описание | Автор | ||
Acid Rock
The stage is set for murder, mayhem and deafening music. But the music isn't loud enough to drown out the shots aimed at the gorgeous redhead on stage. Not that anybody is paying much attention, not in the screaming chaos of the world's biggest rock festival ever. The girl likes to be near singers, the freakier and more spaced-out the better. Some of them get too close and wind up permanently spaced out. Why? Someone wants to kill the beautiful girl with the long auburn hair. She is under contract for one million dollars. A big bounty is on her beautiful head. She has to be killed, and quick. But Remo and Chiun have other ideas. Their assignment from CURE says protect her at any costs - and that means someone is going to have to pay a very high price. Серия: The Destroyer |
Murphy Warren, Richard Sapir | ||
Agent 21
Some authors just write about it. Chris Ryan has been there, done it, and lived to tell the tale. Agent 21 is the first in the action-packed adventure series by the real-life SAS hero. When Zak Darke's parents die in an unexplained mass murder he's left alone in the world. That is until he's sought out by a mysterious man: 'I work for a government agency,' the man tells him. 'You don't need to know which one. Not yet. All you need to know is that we've had our eye on you. There's a possibility you could help us in certain… operational situations.' Zak becomes Agent 21. What happened to the 20 agents before him he'll never know. What he does know is that his life is about to change for ever. Серия: Agent 21 |
Ryan Chris | Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора | |
Amazon Slaughter
Wei Ho was death incarnate. He could slake his thirst for blood whenever and wherever he wanted. He had chosen the hunters of his private army very carefully — they were some of the most vicious hoodlums in the world. Now he had his own plutonium factory. And it was protected by a web of organized intrigue. Only one squad could take out Wei Ho and prevent global tragedy: Mack Bolan s Able Team! To neutralize Ho s goulish scheme, Lyons, Schwarz, and Blancanales probed to the core of the maniac s domain in South America — but all they found there were blameless native slaves. Would there be a massacre of innocents before the despots could be delivered to hell? Серия: Able Team |
Stivers Dick | ||
Appointment in Kabul
The Russians want Afghanistan. But not its people. And a soviet cannibal has found a weapon to annihilate the populace — a chemical called Devils Rain. With intell supplied by a CIA spook, Mack Bolan leads a unit of the feared mujahedeen, the holy warriors of Islam, in a campaign to stop an atrocity that will kill millions! Серия: The Executioner |
Pendleton Don | ||
Army of Devils
As incidents of frenzied murder and mutilation terrorize Los Angeles, police chemists discover a new drug sweeping through the gang subculture. "Crazy dust" — a variant of PCP one hundred times more addicting than heroin — creates inhuman monsters willing to go to any extremes to finance their addiction. Drugged gangs wander neighborhoods. Crazed punks besiege police stations, ambush narco strike squads with automatic weapons. Only Able Team has the guts — and the firepower — to combat a Soviet plot to destroy democracy with a proxy army of drug-mad devils. Серия: Able Team, An Executioner Series. Able Team |
Stivers Dick |