Жанры книг

Книги жанра «Боевик» на букву «C»

Описание Автор
Cairo Countdown

The U.S. maintained a top-secret air-force base in Cairo. And it operated right out of the international airport!

Suddenly a terrorist rampage threatened to reveal the covert American presence in egypt. No known intelligence agency could risk exposure to break this attack on one of America s biggest secrets. Therefore, in the name of Mack Bolan, come in Able!

But the terrorists had crack killer-teams of their own— and they would not hesitate to use them...

Серия: Able Team
Stivers Dick  
California Hit

The sunny Golden Gate city finds out what the Executioner is all about when he explodes into their midst, hot on the trail of the inner enemy and "Mr. King," the behind-the-scenes boss of all that moves and breathes in the western states.

Bolans assault blazes a wide swath, zeroing in on the kingpins home base. A deadly Chinese Communist cell, some misled ecology freaks and a group of militant leftists all find themselves in danger of being burned by the swiftly racing torch of the Executioner. No one is going to stop him this time. No way.

Серия: The Executioner, The Executioner Series
Pendleton Don  
Camp Chaos

Who is behind Camp Chaos?

When Katheryn Hanko is recruited from the FBI to join a secret, elite law enforcement unit, she must give up her identity and die to the world, becoming a person with no true name. But she brings to the unit her integrity, honor, and determination to make the world a better place. Confronted with cases that other law enforcement agencies can’t solve, as part of a team of seven she must draw upon her skills and those she acquires to become one with them in a fight against the worst of the worst among us.

But when she and her recruiter, Spud fall in love with each other, can they both maintain their focus on the unit’s missions? Solving the mission given to them will pit Spud and his new recruit, along with the rest of the team, against an unexpected adversary. If the team cannot find and stop the group known as Camp Chaos, it could lead to the overthrow of the nation’s government as fear takes control and an unknown person seeks to rise to power.

Серия: The Unit
Fox Anne  
Caribbean Kill

Mack Bolan, the one-man war machine, bets his life against the Mafia forces of glittering Las Vegas... and theres no business like show business once The Executioner gets in the act!

Серия: The Executioner
Pendleton Don  
Celistic. Смотрящий во тьму

2548. Десять лет назад ради повышения прибыли картель промышленников уничтожил населённую планету. Тогда им помогли инфернальные существа – демоны. «Если нас вызовут снова – вы все умрёте», – сказали тогда демоны. С того времени трусливые и жадные торговцы охраняли эту тайну. Но с каждым годом это всё сложнее и сложнее…

Лэнгли Дэннис, Палонин Вадим  
Celistic. Эхо мира

В поисках родителей безымянный странник путешествует от планеты к планете. Но найти их – это не самое сложное испытание. Иногда, чтобы жить – нужно создать легенду. Иногда нужно понять, что война – это эхо мира. И всегда – всегда – мы убиваем то, что любим больше всего.

Лэнгли Дэннис, Палонин Вадим  
Cellule Delta

Beyrouth 2011. Un sniper s'apprête à abattre un homme qui déjeune. Il ne s'agit pas d'un contrat, mais d'une mission ; le tireur est un agent qui va l'accomplir pour son pays, la France. Mais dans son dos. S'il a une existence officielle au sein de la DGSE, Vincent agit dans l'ombre de l'ombre, au cœur de la Cellule Delta.

Entraînés à être des tueurs redoutables, des fauves agiles et rapides, les cinq agents de la Cellule Delta sont chargés des opérations spéciales dans lesquelles l'État français ne peut laisser traîner ses mains : Annie, Aymar, Hichad, Henry et Vincent ont un permis clandestin de tuer et une autorisation de chasse permanente.

C'est après les terroristes qu'ils courent : en faire des cibles avant d'en être la cible.

Informés que des islamistes radicaux étroitement liés à AQMI profitent du printemps arabe pour se fortifier, les Delta se préparent à rejoindre la Libye. À Benghazi précisément, où ils ont appris qu'une convention de terroristes venus de toute cette région du monde va se tenir dans le plus grand secret…

Pierre Martinet a passé vingt ans dans les unités parachutistes d'élite, dont cinq au célèbre Service Action de la DGSE (services secrets français). Avec DGSE Service Action, un agent sort de l'ombre (Éditions Privé, 2005), il a brisé le silence.

Martinet Pierre  
Chicago Wipe-Out

Mack Bolan faces the battle of his life as he invades the nerve-center of the Mafias powerful U.S. Operations.

Серия: The Executioner
Pendleton Don  
Chinese Puzzle

A Chinese diplomat is decidedly deceased and the communist chairman's advisor is shanghaied while burrowing in the Bronx. The State Department is seeing red and a sour situation gets spicy. Now Remo Williams and his Korean mentor, Master Chiun, must save the abducted adviser and compromise the conspiracy before the kung fu hits the fan. As the US and China prepare for nuclear battle and an assassin's bullet has The Destroyer's name on it, the fate of the world is as complicated to solve as a Chinese Puzzle.

Серия: , The Destroyer
Murphy Warren, Sapir Richard  
Continental Contract

The largest private gun squad in history follows Bolan to France, only to find the war has started without them, and 20 dead Frenchmen are mute testimony to the profinciency of the Executioner...

Серия: The Executioner, The Executioner Series
Pendleton Don  
Council of Kings

The bloody trail of a loansharking operation in Oregon leads Mack Bolan to a massive shipload of illegal arms bound for Portland.

Bolan refuses to consider the cost in innocent lives if the weapons fall into Mafia hands.

He races against time to smash the smugglers, and his brother Johnny learns some big secrets about the Executioner.

Серия: The Executioner
Pendleton Don  
Created, the Destroyer

When ex-New Jersey cop Remo Williams is electrocuted for the murder of a dope-dealing goon, CURE, a super-secret government agency that doesn't really exist, schemes to resurrect Remo as the ultimate killing machine that will carry out most of its dirty plans. Under the direction of expert assassin Master Chiun, Remo is transformed into the Destroyer and launches a series of secret plots to dissolve the underworld.

Серия: The Destroyer
Murphy Warren, Richard Sapir  
Crossfire Francis Dick, Francis Felix