Жанры книг

Книги жанра «Боевик» на букву «D»

Описание Автор
Day of Mourning

Mack Bolan sensed danger when he lost contact with Stony Man Farm. The Phoenix fortress in Virginias Blue Ridge Mountains should be impenetrable. But was it? Bolan returned home to find the Stony strongholds security violated and ace armorer, Andrzej Konzaki, mortally wounded. A web of treachery now enshrouded the Farm, imperiling its existence. In one blood-drenched night, Bolan embarked on an odyssey of revenge. From D.C.s corridors of power to the cathouse depths of sewer city, he pursued an elusive specter who bartered in mens souls. And each time the trail led to a dead end. Who was this faceless enemy?

Серия: The Executioner
Pendleton Don  
Day of the Cheetah

In one of his boldest bestsellers, Dale Brown creates a shattering scenario of the ultimate race for technology…America's most advanced fighter plane, "DreamStar, " has been hijacked. To retrieve it, Lt. Col. Patrick McLanahan takes on his most daring assignment since "The Flight of the Old Dog." The odds are against him. His plane, the "Cheetah, " is less advanced than "DreamStar." And so begins the greatest high-flying chase of all time…

Серия: Patrick McLanahan
Brown Dale Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Death Squad

The dreaded Black Hand has let out a $100,000 contract on Bolan's life, and every trigger-happy gunman in the country is trying to collect. At the same time, local, state, and federal police forces have banded together in the greatest manhunt in history to stop Bolan.

Fired with a holy vengeance, Bolan recruits nine buddies — all heroes of the Vietnam war, all specialists in the more sophisticated aspects of meting out death.

Серия: The Executioner, The Executioner Series
Pendleton Don  

Terrorist death squads wipe out three leading U.S. computer research facilities and push America to the precipice of computer chaos.

The program was always the same — murderous precision, total extermination, no human mercy.

A sole survivor of one of the silicon-chip massacres guides Able Team to the hidden data bank that directs the terrorists in their program for panic. While the beautiful and brainy Lao Ti taps into the death data, Carl Lyons, Gadgets, and Politician pursue an army of psychotic misfits.

The computer world trembles under the onslaught of the terrorist strike force as Able Team, joined by Phoenix Force and Hal Brognola, launches a fierce counterattack to shatter the circuits of savagery.

Серия: Able Team
Stivers Dick  
Devil's Gate

A Japanese cargo ship cruises the eastern Atlantic near the Azores- when it bursts into flames. A gang of pirates speeds to take advantage of the disaster- when their boat explodes. What is happening in that part of the world? As Kurt Austin, Joe Zavala, and the rest of the NUMA(r) Special Assignments Team rush to investigate, they find themselves drawn into the extraordinary ambitions of an African dictator, the creation of a weapon of almost mythical power, and an unimaginably audacious plan to extort the world's major nations. Their penalty for refusal? The destruction of their greatest cities.

Серия: NUMA Files
Cussler Clive, Brown Graham Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Doomsday Disciples

Using the American tradition of freedom of religion as a smoke screen, a cultist group had gone mad in the streets of San Francisco. People were being slaughtered in the name of a bizarre new sacrilege, The Universal Devotees. Killings were random, senseless...

Mack Bolan quickly identified the devil incarnate — Nguyen Van Minh, a stateless Asian refugee who had mastered mind-control on a massive scale.

Bolan smelled KGB. Evidence grew that the killer creed was a Soviet weapon for wholesale butchery. When a senators lovely young daughter was sucked into its ranks, The Executioner launched the one deadly brand of combat — firestorms of glory that scorch yet revive the earth — that could crush Minhs blasphemy at its accursed heart.

Серия: The Executioner, The Executioner Series
Pendleton Don  
Down. down.down

Трое приятелей-наркоманов, сотрудников частного детективного агентства, получают несложное, в общем-то, задание - похитить флэшку с компроматом у одной немолодой журналюшки. Задание-то парни с грехом пополам (чуть не помешала "бывшая" старшего) выполнили, вот только и не подозревали, что столкнуться с персонажами из первой части. А метро продолжает мчаться по рельсам...

Рыжков Лев  
Dulce Base

The U.S. government has allowed the Grays, a race of extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli system, to establish a foothold on Earth at a place called Dulce Base, a secret underground base near the Archuleta Mesa in New Mexico.

This came about after President Eisenhower signed a treaty with them at Holleman Air Force Base in 1953, but following a surprise attack on the humans of the base in 1975, the treaty was deemed worthless and the U.S. government was in a bind.

Fast forward to 1979. A group of Special Forces — all “dead” Vietnam vets — are assembled with the sole task of taking the base back or destroying it.

When ungodly horrors are discovered on the base's deepest levels, however, the mission changes from one of search and destroy to one of rescue. Aided by six super soldiers impervious to the mind attacks of the Grays, the men fight for humanity in an epic sci-fi battle you can't afford to miss.

Серия: The Dulce Files
Strandberg Greg