Жанры книг

Книги жанра «Боевик» на букву «H»

Описание Автор

« — Si nous attendons la nuit, nous sommes perdus. Les rebelles sont des spécialistes de la jungle. Ils ne nous laisseront aucune chance.

Maung soupira :

— Que proposez-vous ?

— De rejoindre la piste. La mitrailleuse couvrira notre départ. Nous foncerons vers la route. C’est notre seule chance. »

Серия: Spécial police
Arnaud Georges-Jean  
Havana Storm

Dirk Pitt returns, in the thrilling new novel from the grand master of adventure and #1 New York Times-bestselling author.

While investigating a toxic outbreak in the Caribbean Sea that may ultimately threaten the United States, Pitt unwittingly becomes involved in something even more dangerous — a post-Castro power struggle for the control of Cuba. Meanwhile, Pitt’s children, marine engineer Dirk and oceanographer Summer, are on an investigation of their own, chasing an Aztec stone that may reveal the whereabouts of a vast historical Aztec treasure. The problem is, that stone was believed to have been destroyed on the battleship Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898, which brings them both to Cuba as well — and squarely into harm’s way. The three of them have been in desperate situations before... but perhaps never quite as dire as the one facing them now.

Серия: Дирк Питт
Cussler Clive, Cussler Dirk Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора

“Hawke is a fast-paced adventure… truly an exciting read,” says Nelson DeMille. “Rich, spellbinding, and absorbing, Hawke is packed with surprises,” raves Clive Cussler. Readers beware, this stunning, high-caliber thriller is not recommended for the faint of heart.

Lord Alexander Hawke is a direct descendant of the legendary English pirate Blackhawke and highly skilled in the cutthroat's deadly ways himself. While still a boy, on a voyage to the Caribbean, Alex Hawke witnesses an act of unspeakable horror. Hidden in a secret compartment on his father's yacht, Alex sees his parents brutally murdered by three modern-day pirates. It is an event that will haunt him for the remainder of his life. Now, fully grown and one of England's most decorated naval heroes, Hawke is back in the same Caribbean waters on a secret mission for the American government. A highly experimental stealth submarine, built by the Soviets just before the end of the Cold War, is missing. She carries forty nuclear warheads and is believed to be in the hands of a very unstable government just ninety miles from the American mainland. Hawke is in a race against time. His mission: Find the deadly sub before a preemptive strike can be launched against the U.S., and confront the murderous men behind the personal nightmare that haunts him before they find him first.

Featuring breathtaking action, international intrigue, and a hero worthy of the very finest adventure fiction, Hawke heralds the exciting debut of a bold new talent.

Bell Ted  
Hellfire Crusade

The militant brother of an Arab ruler has kidnapped a brilliant young American. And Mack Bolan knows that in wrong hands the teenagers knowledge of nuclear devices could change the course of history.

The Executioner faces awesome odds as he blitzes a forbidding desert fortress in the tiny oil sheikhdom. His mission: to rescue the hostage and stop the rebels plans to launch a holy revolution.

Серия: The Executioner
Pendleton Don  
Het goud van Kamtsjatka

Juan Cabrillo en zijn samengeraapte bemanning aan boord van het spionageschip Oregon hebben in het verleden fortuin gemaakt door het uitvoeren van gevaarlijke opdrachten voor machtige westerse instanties. Maar de nieuwste klanten voor Cabrillo’s speciale diensten komen uit het oosten – het Verre Oosten. Het is een consortium van Japanse scheepsmagnaten, wier bron van inkomsten wordt bedreigd door piraten die de Aziatische wateren afstropen. Aanvankelijk waren de kleinere jachten slachtoffer, maar nu verdwijnen er gigantische koopvaardijschepen.

Серия: Dossier Oregon (nl)
Cussler Clive, Du Brul Jack  
Hitman: Enemy Within

The clone assassin has been played long enough–now it’s more than a game.Bred to kill, Agent 47 is The Agency’s most valuable assassin. So when a competing murder-for-hire organization decides to destroy The Agency, the first person they target for elimination is Agent 47. Tasking someone to off the best hitman in the business is one thing; getting the job done is another. When the attempt falls short, Agent 47 is ordered to track down and kill the culprit who is feeding vital information about The Agency to its enemies.Agent 47 must follow a bloody trail halfway around the world, fight his way through the streets of Fez, Morocco, and battle slavers deep inside Chad. Then he will discover a shattering truth: If he fails at his mission, the price he’ll pay will be far greater than his own life...

Dietz William  
Hitman: Enemy Within

The clone assassin has been played long enough—now it’s more than a game.Bred to kill, Agent 47 is The Agency’s most valuable assassin. So when a competing murder-for-hire organization decides to destroy The Agency, the first person they target for elimination is Agent 47. Tasking someone to off the best hitman in the business is one thing; getting the job done is another. When the attempt falls short, Agent 47 is ordered to track down and kill the culprit who is feeding vital information about The Agency to its enemies.Agent 47 must follow a bloody trail halfway around the world, fight his way through the streets of Fez, Morocco, and battle slavers deep inside Chad. Then he will discover a shattering truth: If he fails at his mission, the price he’ll pay will be far greater than his own life…

Dietz William C  
Hitman: Enemy Within

The clone assassin has been played long enough–now it’s more than a game.

Bred to kill, Agent 47 is The Agency’s most valuable assassin. So when a competing murder-for-hire organization decides to destroy The Agency, the first person they target for elimination is Agent 47. Tasking someone to off the best hitman in the business is one thing; getting the job done is another. When the attempt falls short, Agent 47 is ordered to track down and kill the culprit who is feeding vital information about The Agency to its enemies.

Agent 47 must follow a bloody trail halfway around the world, fight his way through the streets of Fez, Morocco, and battle slavers deep inside Chad. Then he will discover a shattering truth: If he fails at his mission, the price he’ll pay will be far greater than his own life...

C Dietz William  
Hitman: Враг внутри

Клон-убийца уже стал легендой и теперь это больше, чем игра. Выращенный, чтобы убивать, Агент 47 является одним из самых ценных киллеров Агентства. Поэтому, когда конкурирующая организация принимает решение уничтожить Агентство, первой целью становится именно Агент 47. Назначить человека, чтобы убить самого лучшего киллера — одно дело; выполнить это задание — другое. Когда попытка расправы проваливается, Агенту 47 поручают выследить и уничтожить того, кто снабжает врага информацией из Агентства. 47ой должен обойти по кровавым следам пол-мира, проложить путь через улицы Феса и Марокко, победить работорговцев в самом сердце Чада, вести шпионаж в Португалии… но вскоре он узнает смертельную правду: если он провалит задание, то цена, которую он заплатит, будет намного выше, чем цена его собственной жизни…

Дитц Уильям Кори