Жанры книг

Книги жанра «Боевик» на букву «K»

Описание Автор
Khost: Some Caves Are Best Left Unexplored

A bitter war rages in Afghanistan during the 80's. Growing desperate, the Soviet Union creates an exotic chemical weapon. They test their creation in a massive cave complex, in Khost, Afghanistan. Unknown to the Soviets, the chemical works in unimaginable ways.

Decades later, a team of Delta Force Operators goes missing in the same region. The lone survivor describes a nightmare that has awoken inside the cave. An elite group of special forces members from the Special Activities Division are sent in with one mission: kill everything inside the cave.

Hobbes Vincent, Waters A K  
Kill School

Dispatched to return fascist commander Col. Roberto Quesada to face the televised spectacle of trial in the United States, Able Team drops into the free-fire zone of El Salvador's Morazan province.

A Salvadoran army commando, obsessed with revenge for his "disappeared" father and brother, guides Able Team across a landscape of terror and atrocity.

Then a coded radio transmission from Washington, D.C. betrays Able Team. Battling against Stalinist assassins, the three North Americans pursue Quesada into the lost world of the Honduran mountains — where Pan-American Nazis are training the shock troopers of a New World Reich.

Серия: Able Team
Stivers Dick