Описание | Автор | ||
Savannah Swingsaw
The Executioner poses as a convict to spring a man marked for death by a mystery assassin. Mack Bolan wants to know why a petty embezzler is the target of an international hit man. But Bolans plan is foiled by a group known as the Savannah Swingsaw — four female vigilantes who break him out instead, in a baffling move that fires the big warrior to blazing action. Серия: The Executioner |
Pendleton Don | ||
Save the Children
Someone is stealing America's children, and the disappearances are shattering the structure of U.S. Society, leaving families in total despair. With the police and federal agencies handcuffed by laws and procedures, the situation is critical. Mack Bolan fears for these innocent lives at the hands of human predators. The Executioner searches high and low for targets in Chicago — and finds them: from a high-profile politician to a Mafia kingpin. Серия: The Executioner |
Pendleton Don | ||
Scorched Earth
Guided by a captured gang pistolero, Able Team crashes into the firestorm of the Mexican heroin wars. The three superspecialists blaze a desperate path across a desolate landscape to confront drug armies waging a campaign of atrocity and extermination. Betrayed by the American Drug Enforcement Agency, facing the combined forces of the heroin gangs and Mexican traitors, Able Team enlists the Yaqui warriors of the Sierra Madres in their war against the Empire of Heroin. United, they strike. War leads to more war, as hot pursuit of the gang lords throws Able Team against a conspiracy that is using billions of dope dollars to finance the Fascist conquest of the Americas! Серия: Able Team |
Stivers Dick | ||
Seal Team Seven
As twin torpedoes from a renegade Iranian sub streak into the hull of their escort ship, the crew of the Yuduki Maru looks on in horror... Their cargo includes two tons of weapons-grade plutonium. And now, with enough nuke fuel to arm a superpower, an alliance of fanatics threatens to poison a continent. In a daring mission of high-seas heroism, Lt. Blake Murdock leads his seven-man unit from Team Seven's Red Squad into bulkhead-to-bulkhead battle — with high-tech buccaneers who've got nothing left to lose... Серия: Seal Team Seven |
Douglass Keith | ||
Sky Masters
Lt. Col. Patrick McLanahan was virtually exiled. But now he's offered a chance to test-fly a new, state-of-the-art B-2 bomber in strategic warfare training sorties. It's his last chance to prove himself to the Pentagon brass… But no one anticipated the crisis brewing on the oil-rich islands near China. No one knew the war games would become so real. Серия: Patrick McLanahan |
Brown Dale | ||
Sky Masters
Lt. Col. Patrick McLanahan was virtually exiled. But now he's offered a chance to test-fly a new, state-of-the-art B-2 bomber in strategic warfare training sorties. It's his last chance to prove himself to the Pentagon brass… But no one anticipated the crisis brewing on the oil-rich islands near China. No one knew the war games would become so real. Серия: Patrick McLanahan |
Brown Dale | ||
Sons of Anarchy: Bratva
Set after the fourth season of the groundbreaking television drama Sons of Anarchy, from the mind of Executive Producer Kurt Sutter… With half of the club recently released from Stockton State Penitentiary, and the Galindo drug cartel bringing down heat at every turn, the MC already has its hands full. Yet Jax Teller the V.P. of SAMCRO has another problem to deal with. He just learned that his Irish half-sister Trinity has been in the U.S. for months entangled with Russian BRATVA gangsters. Now that she’s abruptly gone missing, he’s sure the brewing mafia war is connected to her disappearance. Jax heads to Nevada with Chibs and Opie to search for her and seek revenge. Trinity may be half-Irish, but she’s also half-Teller and where Teller’s go, trouble follows. |
Golden Christopher | ||
Spider mountain Серия: Cam Richter | Deutermann P T | ||
The KGB makes an offer to the European Mafia that it cannot refuse: create a single worldwide syndicate in return for an unlimited arms supply. The Russians believe that such a crime force would destabilize the West, paving the way for a Soviet takeover. Mack Bolan poses as a German hit man to smash the evil alliance before it takes root. Серия: The Executioner |
Pendleton Don | ||
SURVARIUM Возрождение (СИ)
Мир пал не жертвой Леса, он пал жертвой нашей алчности, наших ошибок, нашего желания наживы.Прошло 6 лет со времён конца света, когда случайно двум друьям попадает информация о центре Леса, загадочном месте, откуда его можно уничтожить, и что же выберут они, остаться в безопастности в посёлке "Юбилейный" или отправиться с чокнутым генералом в путешествие длиной в три с лишним тысячи километров. |
Гиль Вадим Ярославович |