Описание | Автор | ||
Warlord of Azatlan
Dispatched by the President to investigate a multimillion-dollar weapons-for-drugs exchange, Able Team probed deep into the wilds of Guatemala. There, The Executioner' s top squad of death dealers fell into a bloody maze of terror. Unexpected allies led the three hotshots to the source of a conspiracy to assassinate the Christian leader of Guatemala and to annihilate that nation's newborn forces of democracy and liberty. Surrounded by genocidal war and devoted courage, Able Team discovered the greatest horror yet in the campaign against international terrorism: a fascist plot to seize all of Central America and then all the nations of the new world... for the resurrection of the Third Reich! Серия: Able Team |
Stivers Dick | ||
Warrior Class
The world is falling apart, and there are plenty of people willing to take advantage. One of them is Pavel Kazakov, a Russian oilman with close ties to organized crime, and an audacious idea: Build a huge pipeline through the Balkans, get the Russian army to back him, and everybody gets rich. Sure, NATO will object, but the new president’s emphatic decision that American will no longer be the world’s policeman guarantees no effective opposition. Russia will dominate Europe. Kazakov will dominate the oil supply. He hasn’t reckoned with Patrick McLanahan, however. The young Air Force general leads a combat mission deep into Russia to rescue a spy on the ground, but when things start to spin out of control, McLanahan’s intuition is to push it even further, to create whatever havoc he can. That puts him directly in opposition to the president himself, and pretty soon McLanahan and his team find themselves faced with a dire choice. Which is the greater threat: the empire in front of them — or the president behind? Whichever way they choose, life as they know it will never be the same. Серия: Patrick McLanahan |
Brown Dale | ||
Wejść Między Lwy
Rok 1982. Do Afganistanu okupowanego przez wojska sowieckie przybywa Jean-Pierre Debout, francuski lewicowy ideowiec, by pod przykrywką pracy lekarza na bieżąco informować KGB o dostawach broni i leków z terenu Pakistanu. Wskutek jego donosów dochodzi do masakry jednego z oddziałów partyzanckich. O pracę dla Rosjan nie podejrzewa go nikt oprócz żony – Angielki Jane. Sytuacja zmienia się, gdy w ten sam rejon trafia z misją szkolenia rebeliantów niegdysiejszy przyjaciel Jean-Pierre'a, kiedyś kochanek Jane, agent CIA Ellis Thaler. Dawna miłość wybucha z nową siłą, a rozgrywka polityczna między mężczyznami staje się również rywalizacją o uczucie pięknej kobiety. |
Follett Ken | ||
When Eight Bells Toll
Millions of pounds in gold bullion are being pirated in the Irish Sea. Investigations by the British Secret Service, and a sixth sense, have brought Philip Calvert to a bleak, lonely bay in the Western Highlands. But the sleepy atmosphere of Torbay is deceptive. The place is the focal point of many mysterious disappearances. Even the unimaginative Highland Police Sergeant seems to be acting a part. But why? This story is Alistair MacLean at his enthralling best. It has all the edge-of-the-seat suspense, and dry humour that millions of readers have devoured for years. |
Maclean Alistair | Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора | |
When The Bough Breaks
It began with a double murder: particularly vicious, particularly gruesome. There was only one witness: but little Melody Quinn can't or won't say a word. Which is where child psychologist Alex Delaware comes in - and takes the first step into a maelstrom of atrocities…A breathtaking novel about the sewer of perversion and corruption lying below the glittering surface of California cool. Серия: Alex Delaware |
Kellerman Jonathan | ||
Torn by political struggles and underground revolution, the Philippines are wide open to powermongers and would-be messiahs. Now the deadliest and most elusive terrorist-bomber in the world stalks its crowded streets, plotting an act that will shake the country to its core. Working under government cover, Mack Bolan has to infiltrate the terrorist network, find the bomber, then break him. Bolan is thrown headlong into the fire — from an unthinkable airport massacre to the steamy jungle where the heart of terrorism beats relentlessly. In a country where white-hot violence has become almost a way of life, the Executioner is about to cause some scorching heat of his own. Серия: The Executioner |
Pendleton Don |