Жанры книг

Книги жанра «Фантастика» на букву «I»

Описание Автор

The long-awaited new novel from Hugo Award-winning writer Greg Egan! The Amalgam spans nearly the entire galaxy, and is composed of innumerable beings from a wild variety of races, some human, some near-human, and some entirely other. The one place that they cannot go is the bulge, the bright, hot center of the galaxy. There dwell the Aloof, who for millions of years have deflected any and all attempts to communicate with or visit them. So, when Rakesh is offered an opportunity to travel within their sphere, in search of a lost race, he cannot turn it down!

Egan Greg  

The long-awaited new novel from Hugo Award-winning writer Greg Egan! The Amalgam spans nearly the entire galaxy, and is composed of innumerable beings from a wild variety of races, some human, some near-human, and some entirely other. The one place that they cannot go is the bulge, the bright, hot center of the galaxy. There dwell the Aloof, who for millions of years have deflected any and all attempts to communicate with or visit them. So, when Rakesh is offered an opportunity to travel within their sphere, in search of a lost race, he cannot turn it down!

Egan Greg  
Industrial Revolution

Ever think how deadly a thing it is

if a machine has amnesia—

or how easily it can be arranged....

Anderson Poul William  
In the Walls of Eryx Lovecraft Howard Philips  
Il fattore invisibile

Sandra è una scienziata molto particolare: si occupa di mode passeggere e il suo compito è prevedere quali saranno le manie del futuro prossimo. Insieme al collega Bennett O’Reilly, esperto di teoria del caos, è convinta di poter individuare la causa della diffusione di tali fenomeni, e aggiudiarsi così un congruo finanziamento per il progetto. Ma raramente la ricerca scientifica è semplice e lineare, e la strada del successosarà piena di imprevisti… Un libro scintillante e originalissimo da una delle migliori scrittrici di fantascienza contemporanee.

Nominato per il premio Nebula per il miglir romanzo in 1997.

Серия: Urania
Willis Connie  
I’m in Marsport without Hilda Asimov Isaac  
Into the Darkness

Darkness series is a fantasy series about a world war between nations using magic as weapons. Many of the plot elements are analogous to elements of World War II, with countries and technologies that are comparable to the events of the real world.

A duke’s death leads to bloody war as King Algarve moves swiftly to reclaim the duchy lost during a previous conflict. But country after country is dragged into the war, as a hatred of difference escalates into rabid nationalism.

Серия: , Darkness
Turtledove Harry  
Iron Council

Amazon.com Review

China Miéville's novel Iron Council is the tumultuous story of the "Perpetual Train." Born from monopolists' greed and dispatched to tame the western lands beyond New Crobuzon, the train is itself the beginnings of an Iron Council formed in the fire of frontier revolt against the railroad's masters. From the wilderness, the legend of Iron Council becomes the spark uniting the oppressed and brings barricades to the streets of faraway New Crobuzon. The sprawling tale is told through the past-and-present eyes of three characters. The first is Cutter, a heartsick subversive who follows his lover, the messianic Judah Low, on a quest to return to the Iron Council hidden in the western wilds. The second is Judah himself, an erstwhile railroad scout who has become the iconic golem-wielding hero of Iron Council's uprising at the end of the tracks. And the third is Ori, a young revolutionary on the streets of New Crobuzon, whose anger leads him into a militant wing of the underground, plotting anarchy and mayhem.

Miéville (The Scar, Perdido Street Station) weaves his epic out of familiar and heavily political themes-imperialism, fascism, conquest, and Marxism-all seen through a darkly cast funhouse mirror wherein even language is distorted and made beautifully grotesque. Improbably evoking Jack London and Victor Hugo, Iron Council is a twisted frontier fable cleverly combined with a powerful parable of Marxist revolution that continues Miéville's macabre remaking of the fantasy genre. -Jeremy Pugh -This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Publishers Weekly

In this stunning new novel set mainly in the decadent and magical city of New Crobuzon, British author Miéville (The Scar) charts the course of a proletarian revolution like no other. The capitalists of New Crobuzon are pushing hard. More and more people are being arrested on petty charges and "Remade" into monstrous slaves, some half animal, others half machine. Uniformed militia are patrolling the streets and watching the city from their dirigibles. They turn a blind eye when racists stage pogroms in neighborhoods inhabited by non-humans. An overseas war is going badly, and horrific, seemingly meaningless terrorist acts occur with increasing frequency. Radical groups are springing up across the city. The spark that will ignite the revolution, however, is the Perpetual Train. Workers building the first transcontinental railroad, badly mistreated by their overseers, have literally stolen a train, laying track into the wild back-country west of the great city, tearing up track behind them, fighting off the militia sent to arrest them, even daring to enter the catotopic zone, that transdimensional continental scar where anything is possible. Full of warped and memorable characters, this violent and intensely political novel smoothly combines elements of fantasy, science fiction, horror, even the western. Miéville represents much of what is new and good in contemporary dark fantasy, and his work is must reading for devotees of that genre. FYI: Miéville has won Arthur C. Clarke, British Science Fiction and British Fantasy awards.

éville China Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора



Алексей Толстой



Москва, Детгиз 1956

Латвийское государственное издательство

На латышском языке


Sis romāns uzrakstīts 1926—1927 gada, pārstrādāts, papildinot ar jaunam nodaļam, 1937. gadā.





Stanislavs LEMS


Станислав Лем


Перевод с польского В. М е л и н о в с к о г о Оформление Г. М е л а м е д

Издательство «Зинатне» \Рига 1975 Па латышском языке

No poļu valodas tulkojis

Voldemārs Mcļinovsk Noformējusi G a J i n a M e 1 a m e d a

Izdota saskaņā ar Latvijas PSR Zinātņu akadēmijas Redakciju un izdevumu padomes lēmumu

©Tulkojums latviešu valodā Izdevniecība «Zinātne», 1975 

LEMS Stanislavs  
ŠIS TAS PAR VELTI(Fant stastu krājums)




Seši stāstu krājumi, četri fantastiski un pieci piedzī­vojumu romāni — tāds ir gados samērā jaunā (dz. 1928. g.) amerikāņu rakstnieka Roberta Seklija ieguldījums literatūrā. Vislielāko uzmanību viņš vel­tījis fantastikai, uzskatīdams, ka «neviens cits daiļ­rades veids nedod rakstniekam tādu rīcības brīvību kā fantastika. Tā var aptvert — un aptver — visu uz pasaules, no nevaldāmas piedzīvojumu romantikas līdz satīrai un sociālajai analīzei.» R. Šeklija darbos fan­tastika sastopama visās šajās izpausmes formās.

Viss, ko uzrakstījis Šeklijs, lai kādām iztēles krā­sām un sižeta samezglojumiem žilbina acis, sakņo­jas mūsu pašu pasaulē un vedina domāt par ikdienas problēmām. Kaut vai titulstāsts «Sis tas par velti». Tā varonim no debesīm nokritusi mašīna, kas izpilda jebkuru vēlēšanos. Laimīgais īpašnieks cenšas izspiest no tehnikas brīnuma visu iespējamo. Sīkpilsoņa sapņi ir mazi, toties to ir daudz un viņa alkatība neizmē­rojama. Par šo alkatību stāsta varonim Kolinsam ir jāsamaksā ar savu dzīvi. Mašīna ir iz'domāta, bet cil­vēks — .kā no kapitālistiskās sabiedrības paņemts, tikai rakstnieka talanta paspilgtināts. Un tā visos šī krājuma stāstos, vienalga, kāda būtu to ievirze — tra­ģiska vai komiska.

Šo īso iepazīstināšanu gribas nobeigt ar literatūr­kritika J. Kagarjicka vārdiem par R. Šekliju: «… viņš nepamāca un neizklaidē — viņš kopā ar mums domā par dzīvi. Tāpēc lasīt viņu ir viegli, aizmirst — grūti.»

No angļu valodas tulkojis I. LIVSICS Noformējis G. CĪLĪTIS

EKLIJS Roberts  
Inconstant Moon

What would you do if this were your last night on earth?

The story won the Hugo Award for Best Short Story in 1972.

Niven Larry  

Саймон Логан — виртуоз в искусстве создания мрачных апокалипсических мирков в небольшом пространстве рассказа, «i-o» — его первый сборник в жанре industrial, состоит из одиннадцати рассказов, в которых автор исследует обитателей футуристических свалок и заброшенных заводов — неудачных гибридов машин и людей, обретших душу. Выбор у этих существ невелик: либо продолжать жесткую борьбу за выживание в первобытно-техногенном мире, либо пойти на запчасти после мучительной смерти в контейнере с кислотой… Искусное сочетание бурной фантазии, стилистики игры «Doom» и черного юмора сделало автора культовым среди поклонников как киберготики, так и классической научной фантастики.

Логан Саймон  
In Tara Codrilor de Iarba Braghin Vladimir  
Into the Looking Glass

When a 60-kiloton explosion destroyed the University of Central Florida, and much of the surrounding countryside, the authorities first thought that terrorists had somehow obtained a nuclear weapon. But there was no radiation detected, and, when physicist Dr. William Weaver and Navy SEAL Command Master Chief Robert Miller were sent to investigate, they found that in the center of the destruction, where the University’s physics department used to be, was an interdimensional gateway to… somewhere. An experiment in subatomic physics had produced a very unexpected effect. Furthermore, other gateways were appearing all over the world-and one of them immediately began disgorging demonic visitors intent on annihilating all life on Earth and replacing it with their own. Other, apparently less hostile, aliens emerged from other gateways, and informed Weaver and Miller that the demonic invaders — the name for them that humans could most easily pronounce was the “Dreen” — were a deadly blight across the galaxy, occupying planet after planet after wiping out all native life. Now it would be Earth’s turn, unless Weaver and Miller could find a way to close the gateways. If they failed, the less belligerent aliens would face the regrettable necessity of annihilating the entire Earth to save their own worlds…

Серия: Voyage of the Space Bubble
Ringo John  
Identity Crisis


Could Dr. Harold Smith be Remo Williams's biological father? Not only is Remo a few decades behind in Father's Day cards, but the discovery has sparked the volatile relationship between Remo, a very jealous Chiun, and Smith - who can't let his own son remain CURE's expendable enforcement arm.

But in his padded cell, one of CURE's archenemies has been quietly regaining his extraordinary mental powers. His evil mind is culling gray matter and projecting diabolical illusions, putting a dizzying spin on real world events. The whole "family ties" freak-out at CURE is his brainstorm...and it may be enough to destroy the secret crime-fighting organization forever.

Серия: The Destroyer
Murphy Warren, Sapir Richard  

One choice can transform you—or it can destroy you. But every choice has consequences, and as unrest surges in the factions all around her, Tris Prior must continue trying to save those she loves—and herself—while grappling with haunting questions of grief and forgiveness, identity and loyalty, politics and love.

New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth's much-anticipated second book of the dystopian Divergent series is another intoxicating thrill ride of a story, rich with hallmark twists, heartbreaks, romance, and powerful insights about human nature.

Серия: Divergent
Roth Veronica  

Some years ago, rocks and fire fell from the sky and the old Empire fell with them. In the lands released from that crushing hegemony, a new world order is about to emerge. Two people in particular can see all this in a wider context.

In the winter palace, the King's new physician has more enemies than she at first realises. But then she also has more remedies to hand than those who wish her ill can know about.

In another palace across the mountains, in the service of the regicidal Protector General, the chief bodyguard too has his enemies. But his enemies strike more swiftly, and his means of combating them are more traditional.

Both the doctor and the bodyguard have at least one person they care for deeply and who cares for them. None of them, however, can risk saying so.

This is the story of two stories. Spiralling round a central core of secrecy, deceit, love and betrayal — and linked more closely than even those involved can know — each climbs to its own devastating climax.

Inversions is a dazzling work of science fiction from an author writing at the height of his remarkable powers.

Серия: Culture
Banks Iain  

From today’s most provocative authors come four tales of urban fantasy and paranormal romance exploring body art that is more than it seems-in a world of magic and mayhem that always leaves its mark.

Chance Karen, Liu Marjorie M, Galenorn Jasmine, Wilks Eileen  

From today’s most provocative authors come four tales of urban fantasy and paranormal romance exploring body art that is more than it seems-in a world of magic and mayhem that always leaves its mark.

Chance Karen, Liu Marjorie M, Galenorn Jasmine, Wilks Eileen