Жанры книг

Книги жанра «Фантастика» на букву «J»

Описание Автор
Juego de tronos

Tras el largo verano, el invierno se acerca a los Siete Reinos. Lord Eddars Stark, señor de Invernalia, deja sus dominios para unirse a la corte del rey Robert Baratheon el Usurpador, hombre díscolo y otrora guerrero audaz cuyas mayores aficiones son comer, beber y engendrar bastardos. Eddard Stark desempeñará el cargo de Mano del Rey e intentará desentrañar una maraña de intrigas que pondrá en peligro su vida… y la de los suyos.

En un mundo cuyas estaciones duran décadas y en el que retazos de una magia inmemorial y olvidada surgen en los rincones más sombríos y maravillosos, la traición y la lealtad, la compasión y la sed de venganza, el amor y el poder hacen del juego de tronos una poderosa trampa que atrapa en sus fauces a los personajes… y al lector.

Серия: Canción de Hielo y Fuego
Martin George RR  





No japāņu valodas tulkojis Edgars Katajs Mākslinieks Georgs Krutojs

Komacu S.

Japānas nogrimšana: Romāns / No jap. vai. tulkojis E. Katajs; Mākslinieks G. Krutojs. — R.: Zinātne, 1982. 512 Ipp., il. — (Fantastikas pasaule).

Ievērojamā japāņu rakstnieka zinātniski fantastiskajā ro­mānā skarta problēma, kas jau gadu desmitiem satrauc viņa tautu: vai Japānas salām, kas pazīstamas ar seismisku nedro­šību, nedraud bojāeja ģeoloģiskā katastrofā? Savā Iztēlē ne- atraudamies no zinātnes atziņām, autors attēlo šādu katastrofu un tās traģiskās, apokaliptiskās sekas, kurās sakāpinātā veidā atspoguļojas ari mūsdienu Japānas reālās dzīves pretrunas.

Izdota saskaņā ar Latvijas PSR Zinātņu akadēmijas Redak« ciju un izdevumu padomes lēmumu

Tulkojums latviešu valodā Izdevniecība «Zinātne», 1982





Tulk. M. Mencendorfa


Noskannējis grāmatu un FB2 failu izveidojis Imants Ločmelis

Johannes Cabal the Necromancer

A charmingly gothic, fiendishly funny Faustian tale about a brilliant scientist who makes a deal with the Devil, twice.

Johannes Cabal sold his soul years ago in order to learn the laws of necromancy. Now he wants it back. Amused and slightly bored, Satan proposes a little wager: Johannes has to persuade one hundred people to sign over their souls or he will be damned forever. This time for real. Accepting the bargain, Jonathan is given one calendar year and a traveling carnival to complete his task. With little time to waste, Johannes raises a motley crew from the dead and enlists his brother, Horst, a charismatic vampire to help him run his nefarious road show, resulting in mayhem at every turn.

Серия: Johannes Cabal
Howard Jonathan L Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Johannes Cabal the Necromancer

A charmingly gothic, fiendishly funny Faustian tale about a brilliant scientist who makes a deal with the Devil, twice.

Johannes Cabal sold his soul years ago in order to learn the laws of necromancy. Now he wants it back. Amused and slightly bored, Satan proposes a little wager: Johannes has to persuade one hundred people to sign over their souls or he will be damned forever. This time for real. Accepting the bargain, Jonathan is given one calendar year and a traveling carnival to complete his task. With little time to waste, Johannes raises a motley crew from the dead and enlists his brother, Horst, a charismatic vampire to help him run his nefarious road show, resulting in mayhem at every turn.

Серия: Johannes Cabal
Howard Jonathan L Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Johannes Cabal the Necromancer

A charmingly gothic, fiendishly funny Faustian tale about a brilliant scientist who makes a deal with the Devil, twice.

Johannes Cabal sold his soul years ago in order to learn the laws of necromancy. Now he wants it back. Amused and slightly bored, Satan proposes a little wager: Johannes has to persuade one hundred people to sign over their souls or he will be damned forever. This time for real. Accepting the bargain, Jonathan is given one calendar year and a traveling carnival to complete his task. With little time to waste, Johannes raises a motley crew from the dead and enlists his brother, Horst, a charismatic vampire to help him run his nefarious road show, resulting in mayhem at every turn.

Серия: Johannes Cabal
Howard Jonathan L Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Johannes Cabal the Detective

Johannes Cabal, necromancer of some little infamy, returns in this riotously clever and terrifically twisted tale of murder and international intrigue.

In this genre-twisting novel, infamous necromancer Johannes Cabal, after beating the Devil and being reunited with his soul, leads us on another raucous journey in a little-known corner of the world. This time he's on the run from the local government.

Stealing the identity of a minor bureaucrat, Cabal takes passage on the Princess Hortense, a passenger aeroship that is leaving the country. The deception seems perfect, and Cabal looks forward to a quiet trip and a clean escape, until he comes face-to-face with Leonie Barrow, an enemy from the old days who could blow his cover. But when a fellow passenger throws himself to his death, or at least that is how it appears, Cabal begins to investigate out of curiosity. His minor efforts result in a vicious attempt on his own life — and then the gloves come off.

Cabal and Leonie — the only woman to ever match wits with him — reluctantly team up to discover the murderer. Before they are done, there will be more narrow escapes, involving sword fighting and newfangled flying machines. There will be massive destruction, not to mention resurrected dead.

Steampunk meets the classic Sherlockian mystery in this rip-roaring adventure where anything could happen… and does.

Серия: Johannes Cabal
Howard Jonathan L Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Jade Dragon Серия: Sundowners Swallow James  

Apostat. Fugitif. Conquérant.

Il s’appelle Julian Comstock ; il est le neveu du président des États-Unis.

Son père, le général Bryce Comstock, a été pendu pour trahison (on murmure qu’il était innocent de ce crime).

Julian est né dans une Amérique à jamais privée de pétrole, une Amérique étendue à soixante états, tenue de main de maître par l’Église du Dominion. Un pays en ruine, exsangue, en guerre au Labrador contre les forces mitteleuropéennes. Un combat acharné pour exploiter les ultimes ressources naturelles nord-américaines.

On le connaît désormais sous le nom de Julian l’agnostique ou (comme son oncle) de Julian le Conquérant.

Ceci est l’histoire de ce qu’il a cru bon et juste, l’histoire de ses victoires et défaites, militaires et politiques.

Fresque post-apocalyptique, western du XXIIe siècle, fulgurant hommage à Mark Twain, Julian est le plus atypique des romans de Robert Charles Wilson. Une réussite majeure et une critique sans concession des politiques environnementales actuelles.

Wilson Robert Charles  
Jumping off the Planet

A disastrous family vacation leads Charles and his two brothers to "divorce" their warring parents. Fleeing to the Orbital Elevator, a super high-tech beanstalk, they must either return home to a devastated Earth, or continue on to a new home somewhere on the Moon--where Charlie is caught between opposing forces in a battle for global domination. First in a new series.

Серия: Dingillia
Gerrold David  
Justitia – est… Часть 1 Картман Эрика  
Jailbait Zombie

Vampires versus Zombies, round one. .

Vampire detective Felix Gomez has seen a lot of weird things since becoming one of the undead — nymphomaniacs, aliens, and X-rated bloodsuckers, just to name a few — but now he comes face-to-face with the worst sort of undead.

To stop a ravenous army of zombies, Gomez must team up with a precocious teen with clairvoyant powers whose cooperation comes at a price: she won't help unless Felix makes her a vampire. . if the zombies don't get her first.

Серия: Felix Gomez
Acevedo Mario  

The story is set in New Crobuzon, a city in Mieville's created world Bas-Lag and the setting of Perdido Street Station and Iron Council. It takes place after the capture of the infamous New Crobuzon criminal/terrorist, Jack Half-a-Prayer, and is narrated by one of his former associates.

Mieville China  
John Carter and the Giant of Mars Серия: Barsoom series Burroughs Edgar Rice  
Julian Comstock: A Story of 22-nd Century America

From the Hugo-winning author of Spin, an exuberant adventure in a post-climate-change America.

In the reign of President Deklan Comstock, a reborn United States is struggling back to prosperity. Over a century after the Efflorescence of Oil, after the Fall of the Cities, after the Plague of Infertility, after the False Tribulation, after the days of the Pious Presidents, the sixty stars and thirteen stripes wave from the plains of Athabaska to the national capital in New York City. In Colorado Springs, the Dominion sees to the nation’s spiritual needs. In Labrador, the Army wages war on the Dutch. America, unified, is rising once again.

Then out of Labrador come tales of a new Ajax—Captain Commongold, the Youthful Hero of the Saguenay. The ordinary people follow his adventures in the popular press. The Army adores him. The President is troubled. Especially when the dashing Captain turns out to be his nephew Julian, son of the falsely accused and executed Bryce.

Treachery and intrigue dog Julian’s footsteps. Hairsbreadth escapes and daring rescues fill his days. Stern resolve and tender sentiment dice for Julian’s soul, while his admiration for the works of the Secular Ancients, and his adherence to the evolutionary doctrines of the heretical Darwin, set him at fatal odds with the hierarchy of the Dominion. Plague and fire swirl around the Presidential palace when at last he arrives with the acclamation of the mob.

As told by Julian’s best friend and faithful companion, a rustic yet observant lad from the west, this tale of the 22nd Century asks—and answers—the age-old question: “Do you want to tell the truth, or do you want to tell a story?”

Nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2010.

Wilson Robert Charles  
Jane Goes Batty

Life was a lot easier for Jane when she was just an unknown, undead bookstore owner in a sleepy hamlet in upstate New York. But now the world embraces her as Jane Fairfax, author of the bestselling novel Constance—and she’s having a killer time trying to keep her true identity as the Jane Austen a secret. Even the ongoing lessons in How to Be a Vampire, taught by her former lover Lord Byron, don’t seem to be helping much. Jane can barely focus on her boyfriend, Walter, while keeping him in the dark about her more sanguine tastes.

To make matters worse, Walter announces that his mother is coming for a visit—and she’s expecting Jane to be Jewish. Add in a demanding new editor, a convention of romance readers in period costume, a Hollywood camera crew following Jane’s every move, and the constant threat of a certain bloodsucking Brontë sister coming back to finish her off, and it’s enough to make even the most well-mannered heroine go batty!

Серия: Jane Bites
Ford Michael Thomas Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора

It's a good thing Dru Anderson is fast. Because the sucker chasing her isn't slowing down — and he won't rest until he has tasted her blood and silenced her heart . . .

Dru's best friend, Graves, and her strange and handsome savior, Christophe, are ready to help her take on the ultimate evil. But will their battle for Dru's heart get in the way of her survival?

Серия: Strange Angels
St Crow Lili  
Judgment Серия: Magic the Gathering:Одиссея McDermott Will  
Jonathan Strange i pan Norrell

Anglia, początek XIX wieku. Tajemniczy pan Norrell jest jednym z nielicznych, którzy zajmują się jeszcze czarami. Ale to właśnie dzięki niemu i jego młodemu przyjacielowi — Jonathanowi Strange’owi, Anglia stanie się na powrót krainą tajemnej sztuki. Dwaj bohaterowie posiądą niezwykłą władzę, a sam rząd poprosi ich o pomoc w walce z Napoleonem. Lecz magia ma swoją cenę…

Clarke Susanna  
Julian: A Christmas Story

In the reign of President Deklan Comstock, a reborn United States is struggling back to prosperity. Over a century after the Efflorescence of Oil, after the Fall of the Cities, after the Plague of Infertility, after the False Tribulation, after the days of the Pious Presidents, the sixty stars and thirteen stripes wave from the plains of Athabaska to the national capital in New York City. In Colorado Springs, the Dominion sees to the nation’s spiritual needs. In Labrador, the Army wages war on the Dutch. America, unified, is rising once again.

Then out of Labrador come tales of a new Ajax - Captain Commongold, the Youthful Hero of the Saguenay. The ordinary people follow his adventures in the popular press. The Army adores him. The President is.troubled. Especially when the dashing Captain turns out to be his nephew Julian, son of the falsely accused and executed Bryce.

Treachery and intrigue dog Julian’s footsteps. Hairsbreadth escapes and daring rescues fill his days. Stern resolve and tender sentiment dice for Julian’s soul, while his admiration for the works of the Secular Ancients, and his adherence to the evolutionary doctrines of the heretical Darwin, set him at fatal odds with the hierarchy of the Dominion. Plague and fire swirl around the Presidential palace when at last he arrives with the acclamation of the mob.

As told by Julian’s best friend and faithful companion, a rustic yet observant lad from the west, this tale of the 22nd Century asks - and answers - the age-old question: “Do you want to tell the truth, or do you want to tell a story?”

Nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novella in 2006.

In 2009 the author has extended the story into a full length novel titled Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America, which was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2010.

Wilson Robert Charles