Жанры книг

Книги жанра «Фантастика» на букву «Q»

Описание Автор
Questo è un Gizmo

Fra i romanzi che trattano il tema dell’invasione, questo dell’abilissimo Leinster è al tempo stesso uno dei più semplici e dei più avvincenti. Dall’inizio in sordina, si passa a poco a poco al terrore di massa, in un crescendo di tensione congegnato magistralmente. E questi “gizmo” sibillanti che rotolano sui deserti d’America spingendo davanti a sé nubi di polvere rossa, sono ben degni di figurare nella galleria di creature della spazio che Urania ha fino ad oggi raccolto.

Серия: Urania
Leinster Murray  
Quicker than the eye Bradbury Ray Douglas  
Queen of Candesce

Venera Fanning was last seen falling into nothingness at the end of Sun of Suns. Now, in Queen of Candesce, Venera finds herself plunging through the air among the artificial worlds of Virga, far from home and her husband, who may or may not be alive. Landing in the ancient nation of Spyre, Venera encounters new enemies and new friends (or at least convenient allies). She must quickly learn who she can trust, and who she can manipulate in order to survive. Survival isn't her only goal; with the powerful Key of Candesce in her hands, she can control the fate of the entire world of Virga, yet something even more pressing is driving her—the all consuming need for revenge.

Серия: Virga
Schroeder Karl  
Queen of Candesce

Venera Fanning was last seen falling into nothingness at the end of Sun of Suns. Now, in Queen of Candesce, Venera finds herself plunging through the air among the artificial worlds of Virga, far from home and her husband, who may or may not be alive. Landing in the ancient nation of Spyre, Venera encounters new enemies and new friends (or at least convenient allies). She must quickly learn who she can trust, and who she can manipulate in order to survive. Survival isn't her only goal; with the powerful Key of Candesce in her hands, she can control the fate of the entire world of Virga, yet something even more pressing is driving her—the all consuming need for revenge.

Серия: Virga
Schroeder Karl  
Queen of the Demonweb Pits Kidd Paul  
Questor Серия: Chronicles of Grimm Dragonblaster Archibald Alaistair J  

It causes riots and religions. It has people dancing in the streets and leaping off skyscrapers. And it's all because of the impenetrable gray shield that slid into place around the solar system on the night of November 15, 2034.

Some see the bubble as the revenge of an insane God. Some see it as justice. Some even see it as protection. But one thing is for certain — now there is the universe, and the earth. And never the twain shall meet.

Or so it seems. Until a bio-enhanced PI named Nick Stavrianos takes on a job for an anonymous client: find a girl named Laura who disappeared from a mental institution by the most direct possible method — walking through the walls.

Серия: The Subjective Cosmology Cycle
Egan Greg  

Los agentes del servicio secreto aliado quedaron muy sorprendidos cuando vieron al hombre acercarse a ellos desde la zona soviética.

Uno de sus brazos era de metal. Y donde la cabeza debiera haber estado, había una cúpula de metal, sin facciones y amenazadora.

Aquella grotesca figura era Martina, el científico que habían estado reclamando y que los soviéticos les devolvían ahora. Era el hombre que conocía el secreto de la más terrible arma jamás ideada.

¿ Pero era Martino?

Si Martino había muerto, entonces un espía sobrehumanamente inteligente y oculto trás un perfecto disfraz, iba a estar libre detrás de las lineas aliadas.

Y si era Martino, pero se había pasado al bando siviético, entonces era una aterradora amenaza. Porque de un solo golpe podría sabotear el proyecto de guerra de los aliados y destruir el equilibrio de poderío mundial.

Budrys Algis  
Quiet Sea Cook Glen  
Quin’s Shanghai Circus

There is little of the overt fantastic in this great, bloody sprawl of a novel, in which tortured souls follow twisting paths through WWII Shanghai; rather, there is a gradual stretching of the ordinary to the extraordinary. And eventually all those twisted paths converge at the final, dreadful performance of Quin's Shanghai Circus.

Whittemore Edward  
Quicksilver Stephenson Neal  
Quicksilver Stephenson Neal  

TV Series Placement: Summer 2001 – Pre-Season 3There's a new corporation in town -- Meta-chem -- and Liz is psyched to land a scholarship program working in the lab. But when the giant pharmaceutical company creates a disease that accidentally infects the town, Liz is among the first to fall ill -- and, despite his powers, Max is unable to heal her. There's also a new girl in town, Sadie, who's come to Roswell searching for her half sister, who she believes is Maria. Maria doesn't know how to feel: what if she and Sadie do share a father? Maria hasn't seen him since she was seven years old, and she's not sure she wants to see him now. but when news of the quarantine breaks, Maria has no choice but to keep Sadie with her in town, all while trying to find out who is sick and whether anyone can be saved in time….

Серия: Roswell’’
Burns Laura J  
Queen of the Dead

After being sent back from the light, Alona Dare — former homecoming queen, current Queen of the Dead — finds herself doing something she never expected: working. Instead of spending days perfecting her tan by the pool (her typical summer routine when she was, you know,alive), Alona must now cater to the needs of other lost spirits. By her side for all of this — ugh — “helping of others” is Will Killian: social outcast, seer of the dead, and someone Alona cares about more than she’d like.

Packed with romance, lovable characters, and a killer cliffhanger, Queen of the Dead is the out-of-this-world sequel to The Ghost and the Goth.

Серия: The Ghost and the Goth
Kade Stacey  
Queen of Darkness Серия: Dark Jewels Bishop Anne  
Quidditch Through the Ages Роулинг Джоан  
Quid pro quo

Он построил свою Машину Времени нечаянно, из собственного нервного сплетения, отвечающего за восприятие и интуицию. Машина сама устанавливала себе пункт назначения. Первым стал дом молодого гения Саймона Гросса, которому герой рассказа показал его самого — спустя сорок бессмысленных лет.

Брэдбери Рэй Дуглас  
Queen of the Black Coast Howard Robert Ervin  
Questione di scala

Anche pubblicato come “L'insetticida di Miss Macy”, “Schema mentale” e “Il D.D.T. sta agli insetti come…”.

Brown Fredric  
Quando andammo a vedere la fine del mondo Серия: Urania Silverberg Robert