Жанры книг

Книги жанра «Фантастика» на букву «V»

Описание Автор
Vояж в Бездну

Дамы и господа, сеньоры и сеньориты! Только в этом веке, только для Вас! Уникальная возможность – захватывающая экскурсия в Бездну. Тур "all is included": смерть, оживление, опасные приключения и близкое знакомство с многообразием нежити, нечисти и магических созданий всех пошибов, а так же девять властителей мира в оппоненты. Обратный билет не предоставляется. Оставшимся в живых – скидка 50% на следующие поездки и место в уютной клинике на берегу моря… Пристегните ремни, крыша съезжает с минуты на минуту!

Бойко Евгения Владимировна  




HORACIJS LEONARDS GOLDS, amerikāņu rakstnieks



ROBERTS MAKLOSKIJS, amerikāņu rakstnieks








Oskars Bērziņš, Georgs Smelters

Publicēts saskaņā ar Latvijas PSR Zinātņu akadēmijas Redak­ciju un izdevumu padomes 1967. gada 23. marta lēmumu

Nave ir fakts, kas jāizpētī

M. Gorkijs

Autora priekšvārds

Romāns «Viesis no bezgalības» iecerēts un aizsākts 1951. gadā. Toreiz es biju pārliecināts, ka romānā aprakstītie zinātnes un tehnikas sasniegumi tiks īstenoti ļoti tālā nā­kotnē, tāpēc pārnesu darbību divtūkstoš gadu uz priekšu.

Dzīve pierādījusi, ka man nebija taisnība. Un tagad es tikpat dziji esmu pārliecināts, ka zinātne un tehnika jau krietni agrāk sasniegs daudz vairāk, nekā esmu aprakstījis.

Taču mainīt romāna darbības laiku, man šķiet, nebūtu lietderīgi, galvenokārt «faetoniskās» sižeta līnijas dēļ.

Lai paliek viss tāpat, kā bijis. Lasītājs pats aprakstī­tajos notikumos pratīs saskatīt ne pārāk tālas nākotnes apveidus.

MARTINOVS Georgijs  





Tulk. Aleksandrs Čaks

Noskannējis grāmatu un FB2 failu izveidojis Imants Ločmelis

Viņi atvēra durvis


Viņi atvēra durvis


Tulkojis I. Livšics Māksliniece M. Muižule






В. Михайлов

ДВЕРЬ С ТОЙ СТОРОНЫ Фантастический роман Издательство «Лиесма» Рига 1974

No krievu valodas tulkojis Pēteris Zirnītis Mākslinieks Arvīds Galeviuss

Tulkojums latviešu valodā, «Liesma», 1980




izdevniecība «zinātne» Rīga 1969

… Rāms un kluss vasaras rīts. Vakaru pusē pie tumša apvāršņa plaiksnās rūsa. Gaisā jūtams spirgts svaigums, kāds mēdz būt vienīgi pirms saullēkta, kad zemi vēl nav skārusi svelme …

Sādā jaukā rītā romāna varonis, kāds nomaļas Ame­rikas pilsētiņas Milvilas iedzīvotājs, neko nenojauz­dams, izbrauc uz šosejas, lai kopā ar savu draugu do­tos makšķerēt. Bet tieši tad Milvilā sākas neparasti no­tikumi, kuros viņš tiek ierauts. Atnācēji no citas dimen­sijas izvēlas viņu par starpnieku, lai piedāvātu cilvē­kiem sadarbību vispārēja miera vārdā …

Pazīstamais amerikāņu fantasts Klifords Saimaks savā romānā «Visa dzīvība zaļo» jaunā aspektā risina problēmu par kontaktu ar citām pasaulēm. Vai cilvēki uz Zemes būs gatavi šādam kontaktam? Vai Amerikas īstenība — mietpilsoņu aprobežotība, varasvīru asins- kāre un savtīgums neliks tam šķēršļus? Autors sniedz plašas un reālistiskas mazās pilsētiņas ikdienas ainas. Viņa romāns ir apsūdzība visiem tiem, kas mēģina ap­turēt progresu.

Romāns ir uzrakstīts spilgti un aizraujoši, un zināt­niskās fantastikas draugi lasīs to ar interesi.

No angļu valodas tulkojusi Helma Lapiņa Mākslinieks Gunvalds Elers

Saimaks KLIFORDS  
Valley of lights Gallagher Stephen  

De nem létező vezetőik közül a legnagyobb tiszteletnek Wiharvész Anyó örvend közöttük.

Azonban még ő is kénytelen belátni, hogy a királyi udvar cselszövényeibe beleavatkozni jóval bonyolultabb, mint azt bizonyos színművek el szeretnék hitetni az emberrel…

Серия: Korongvilág
Pratchett Terry  
Vége a mesének

Könnyű feladatnak tűnt... Elvégre nem lehet oly nehéz elintézni, hogy egy szolgálólány ne menjen hozzá a herceghez. Azonban a három boszorkánynak, Málotvix Nénének, Ogg Ángyinak és Magrat Nebléndeknek, akik elutaznak a messzi Génuába, a dolgok sosem ennyire egyszerűek…

A szolgálólányok sorsa az, hogy hozzá kell menniük a herceghez. Erről szól az élet. Nem lehet küzdeni a happy end ellen.

Legalábbis… eddig nem lehetett…

Pratchett Terry  
Von Neumann’s War

New series. Mars is changing. Seemingly overnight the once “Red” planet is turning to gray. Something is happening, something unnatural. A team of, literally, rocket scientists figure out a way to send a probe, very fast, to Mars to determine how and why it is changing. However, when the probe is destroyed well short of the formerly red planet, it’s apparent that Mars is being used as a staging ground. The only viable target for that staging ground is Earth. Ranging from rocket design to brilliant paranoids to “in your face” fighting in Iraq, Von Neumann Wars is a fast paced look at what would happen if the earth was attacked by a robot race that, quite accidentally, was bent on destroying civilization.

Ringo John, Taylor Travis S  
Valley of Dreams Weinbaum Stanley G  
Valley of Dreams Weinbaum Stanley G  
Vorpal Blade

The sequel to Into the Looking Glass. William Weaver, PhD. and SEAL Chief Adams are back and Bill got himself a ship! The former SSBN Nebraska has been converted, using mostly garage mechanics and baling wire, into a warp ship ready to go “out there.” But as everyone knows, the people who really are going to bear the brunt are the poor Security guys, Force Recon Marines who are kept in the dark and fed manure all day. That is until they land on an alien planet, get partially wiped out and then load back up again. Ranging in topics from the best gun to kill armored space monsters to particle physics to cosmology to health and beauty tips, Vorpal Blade is a return to the “good old days” of SF when the science problems were intractable and the beasts were ugly. The monkeys are out in the space lanes and ready to rock. As soon as they get another roll of duct tape.

Серия: Voyage of the Space Bubble
Ringo John, Taylor Travis S  

The toughest case yet for Greywalker and P.I. Harper Blaine, 'a great heroine' (New York Times bestselling author Charlaine Harris), has arrived.

Harper Blaine was your average small-time P.I. until she died—for two minutes. Now Harper is a Greywalker—walking the line between the living world and the paranormal realm. And she's discovering that her new abilities are landing her in all sorts of 'strange cases.

But for Harper, her own case may prove the most difficult to solve. Why did she—as opposed to others with near-death experiences—become a Greywalker? When Harper digs into her own past, she unearths some unpleasant truths about her father's early death as well as a mysterious puzzle. Forced by some very demanding vampires to take on an investigation in London, she soon discovers her present troubles in England are entangled with her dark past back in Seattle—and her ultimate destiny as a Greywalker.

Серия: Greywalker
Richardson Kat  
Vacuum Diagrams

Ironically, you’ll probably appreciate Vacuum Diagrams most after you’ve put it down. The prolific and acclaimed Stephen Baxter has always been praised for his imaginative and conscientious use of science, and Vacuum Diagrams is no exception. This collection of short stories will leave you ruminating for days over the sprawl of ideas, worlds, and life forms Baxter has woven together.

Filling in the gaps on Baxter’s ambitious, almost audacious, 10-million-year timeline called the “Xeelee Sequence,” Vacuum Diagrams is a collection of revised, previously published short stories that bridges together his popular novels set in this same “future history” — Raft, Timelike Infinity, Flux, and Ring. Baxter’s universe is rotten with life, from strange tree-stump-like creatures with superfluid ice skeletons to dark matter “birds” to sentient beings composed of pure mathematics. And Baxter’s reverence for life’s beauty, for its voracious robustness, is hard to resist — especially when it comes to humanity and its tentative, eager rise. The cycling timeline follows humans as they come into their own as a star-faring race, from their first sporadic steps to their near dominance of the universe and beyond.

Vacuum Diagrams is a great introduction to Baxter for those unfamiliar with him and a good primer for the other “Xeelee Sequence” novels. If you already love Baxter or the other novels in the sequence, Vacuum Diagrams is certainly a safe bet. Besides, any book that sends you scurrying quizzically after your college physics text deserves a closer look. Check it out.

—Paul Hughes (from amazon.com)

Baxter Stephen Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Voci dal nulla

Rinchiusa nell’Avemo, il più impenetrabile carcere orbitale di massima sicurezza dell’intera galassia, Terra Viridian sconta la sua condanna senza poter sfuggire alla visione che le ha fatto massacrare senza motivo apparente più di millecinquecento persone. Una visione apocalittica, che lei stessa non comprende e all’esistenza della quale nessuno crede, ma la cui voce può significare un contatto totalmente nuovo per il genere umano. La scena cambia quando intorno a Terra iniziano ad agire strani personaggi: il Mago, capace di suonare Bach per ore e ore immerso in una profonda trance, Aaron, il poliziotto alla ricerca della gemella di Terra -Viridian misteriosamente scomparsa, e la Regina di Cuori, la musicista mascherata in grado di plasmare sonorità sempre nuove. Solo quando tutti questi destini si incroceranno nell’Averno, guidati da una voce a loro sconosciuta, arriverà il momento di giocare l’ultima partita.

Серия: Urania
McKillip Patricia A  
Violare il cielo

Sul brulicante formicaio che è divenuta la Terra dopo il 2000, poco alla volta si impone una forma di religiosità che trae le sue basi dottrinali dalla scienza. È la religione di Noel Vorst, sono gli adoratori del Fuoco Blu dell’elettrone, sono le tonache azzurre dei monaci che manipolano i segreti dell’atomo. È una religione, quella di Vorst, il cui scopo finale è quello dell’immortalità… fisica! Ma in un mondo sovrappopolato l’immortalità fisica non è forse un controsenso? Ecco dunque la necessità di emigrare su altri mondi, mondi extrasolari. Ecco formarsi nello stesso tempo lo scisma degli Armonicisti di David Lazarus, che si oppone alla “chiesa” centrale fondando un ordine a parte... Che significato ha tutto ciò nel vasto gioco planetario nel cui centro è l’ultracentenario Noel Vorst e la cui posta finale sono le stelle?

Silverberg Robert