Описание | Автор | ||
Wicked Gentlemen
Belimai Sykes is many things: a Prodigal, the descendant of ancient demons, a creature of dark temptations and rare powers. He is also a man with a brutal past and a dangerous addiction. And Belimai Sykes is the only man Captain William Harper can turn to when faced with a series of grisly murders. But Mr. Sykes does not work for free and the price of Belimai's company will cost Captain Harper far more than his reputation. From the ornate mansions of noblemen, where vivisection and sorcery are hidden beneath a veneer of gold, to the steaming slums of Hells Below, Captain Harper must fight for justice and for his life. His enemies are many and his only ally is a devil he knows too well. |
Hale Ginn | ||
Straszliwe imperium tyranów Shaa przestało istnieć, wszechświat znalazł się na łasce bezlitosnych, spragnionych władzy gadopodobnych Naksydów. Wszędzie zapanował krwawy chaos. Jednak dalecy potomkowie Terry cenią sobie wolność, a ich bohaterscy wojownicy nie poddają się. Lord Gareth Martinez i tajemnicza Caroline Sula, która prowadzi walkę w podziemiu, oddzieleni są latami świetlnymi, ale dążą własnymi drogami do decydującej bitwy o przyszłość, gdyż nowy porządek może się okazać jeszcze bardziej przerażający od starego. Jedyna nadzieja w tym, że powiedzie się ostatni desperacki plan, który scali rozbitą galaktykę. Серия: Upadek imperium strachu |
Williams Walter Jon | ||
Wartorn Obliteration
An army of soldiers and magicians has poured out of the north on its quest to unite the city-states of the Isthmus under Felk rule. But with conquest comes rebellion, and there are those who won't be taken easily—by magic or by sword... Under direct orders from the ruler of Felk, Lord Matokin, the fledging wizard Raven had been spying on General Weisel in the field. In doing so she took an arrow for him—and has been resurrected in another's body. Now in the comely shape of the courtesan Vadya, she returns to the battlefield with more feminine wiles at her disposal... General Weisel himself has been under the control of the legendary warlord Dardas the Conqueror, whose experience—coupled with the magic of Far Moving—has helped the army in its steady advance. But rulers of the yet unconquered lands are rallying together to turn Dardas's strategies against him. What no one can predict is General Weisel and the stunning blow he gives to Dardas, to Felk, and to the future of the Isthmus when he seizes control of his own body... Серия: Wartorn |
Asprin Robert, Carlo Eric Del | ||
Światło wirtualne
Rok 2005, dwa siostrzane stany NoCal i SoCal powstałe w miejscu dawnej Kalifornii. Minione tysiąclecie pozostawiło nielicznych ocalałych i oszołomionych mieszkańców. Berry Rydell pracuje teraz dla łowcy nagród; Chevette Washington pod wpływem nagłego impulsu kradnie niewinnie wyglądające okulary. Jest to produkt bardzo zaawansowanej technologii. To, co przez nie widać, może uczynić człowieka bogatym lub martwym. Серия: Trylogia Mostu |
Gibson William | ||
Warrior Race
Destroying the spirit of the enemy is the goal of war and the aliens had the best way! |
Sheckley Robert | ||
Wednesday | Tenn William | ||
The generals are making a person with psychic power to perceive the future and draw the weapon that will dominate the world in 2064. |
Christopher John | ||
The war had been going for nearly a year. Earth had the better weapons, but the Sirian Empire had the advantage in personnel and equipment. Earth needed an edge, which was where James Mowry came in. Intensively trained and his appearance surgically altered, James is to be an irritant to the enemy. British spelling. |
Russell Eric Frank | ||
Weavers of Saramyr Серия: The braided path | Wooding Chris | ||
Wintertide Серия: The Riyria revelations | Sullivan Michael J | ||
For the last ten years, shapeshifting mercenary Aralorn has led a dangerous existence — a far cry from her noble upbringing. Now she must return home under the most unfortunate circumstances. Her father, the Lyon of Lambshold, has passed away. But when Aralorn and her companion Wolf arrive, the combination of their magic uncovers something wonderful yet alarming — her father is not actually dead, but only appears so. Yet a dark mist is also very much alive within him... The Lyon of Lambshold has been ensorcelled by the ae'Magi, who's using him as a conduit to finally destroy Aralorn and Wolf. With her father as the pawn, can Aralorn overcome this mysterious sorcery? Or will she finally fall to the blackest of magic, losing not only her one true companion but also her life...? Серия: Sianim |
Briggs Patricia | Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора | |
From Publishers Weekly Ryman's darkly imaginative, almost surreal improvisation on L. Frank Baum's Oz books combines a stunning portrayal of child abuse, Wizard of Oz film lore and a polyphonic meditation on the psychological burden of the past. From Kirkus Reviews The Scarecrow of Oz dying of AIDS in Santa Monica? Uncle Henry a child abuser? Dorothy, grown old and crazy, wearing out her last days in a Kansas nursing home? It's all here, in this magically revisionist fantasy on the themes from The Wizard of Oz. For Dorothy Gael (not a misprint), life with Uncle Henry and Aunty Em is no bed of roses: Bible-thumping Emma Gulch is as austere (though not as nasty) as Margaret Hamilton, and her foul- smelling husband's sexual assaults send his unhappy niece over the line into helpless rage at her own wickedness and sullen bullying of the other pupils in nearby Manhattan, Kansas. Despite a brush with salvation (represented by substitute teacher L. Frank Baum), she spirals down to madness courtesy of a climactic twister, only to emerge 70 years later as Dynamite Dottie, terror of her nursing home, where youthful orderly Bill Davison, pierced by her zest for making snow angels and her visions of a happiness she never lived, throws over his joyless fianc‚e and becomes a psychological therapist. Meanwhile, in intervening episodes in 1927 and 1939, Frances Gumm loses her family and her sense of self as she's transformed into The Kid, Judy Garland; and between 1956 and 1989, a little boy named Jonathan, whose imaginary childhood friends were the Oz people, grows up to have his chance to play the Scarecrow dashed by the AIDS that will draw him to Kansas-with counselor Davison in pursuit-in the hope of finding Dorothy's 1880's home and making it, however briefly, his own. This tale of homes lost and sought, potentially so sentimental, gets a powerful charge from Ryman's patient use of homely detail in establishing Dorothy's and Jonathan's childhood perspectives, and from the shocking effects of transforming cultural icons, especially in detailing Dorothy's sexual abuse. Science-fiction author Ryman (The Child Garden, 1990) takes a giant step forward with this mixture of history, fantasy, and cultural myth-all yoked together by the question of whether you can ever really go home. |
Ryman Geoff | ||
Wizard's First Rule
Millions of readers the world over have been held spellbound by this valiant tale vividly told. Now, enter Terry Goodkind’s world, the world of The Sword of Truth. In the aftermath of the brutal murder of his father, a mysterious woman, Kahlan Amnell, appears in Richard Cypher’s forest sanctuary seeking help . . . and more. His world, his very beliefs, are shattered when ancient debts come due with thundering violence. In their darkest hour, hunted relentlessly, tormented by treachery and loss, Kahlan calls upon Richard to reach beyond his sword—to invoke within himself something more noble. Neither knows that the rules of battle have just changed . . . or that their time has run out. This is the beginning. One book. One Rule. Witness the birth of a legend. Серия: Sword of Truth, The Sword of Truth |
Goodkind Terry | Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора | |
What Fire Cannot Burn
LAPD's top mutant-hunter, Soledad O'Roark has outfought telepaths, human flamethrowers, men with steel skin, and every other kind of freakish super-powered thing. But her high-tech firepower is no match for teammate-and rival-Eddi Aoki's attempts at friendship, which endlessly irritate the solitary Soledad. When a vigilante starts killing metanormals without mercy, Soledad and Eddi end up working the same case in a way that neither could imagine. Серия: Soledad O'Roark |
Ridley John | ||
Watch on the Rhine
In the dark days after the events in the book Gust Front, but before the primary invasion, the Chancellor of Germany faces a critical decision. Over the years, with military cutbacks, the store of experienced military personnel had simply dwindled. After the destruction of Northern Virginia, he realized that it was necessary to tap the one group he had sworn never, ever, to recall: the few remaining survivors of the Waffen SS. Watch On the Rhine is perhaps the most unbiased, and brutal, look at the inner workings of the Waffen SS in history. Meticulously researched, it explores all that was good, and evil, about the most infamous military force in history using the backdrop of the Posleen invasion as a canvas. Серия: Legacy of the Aldenata |
Ringo John, Kratman Tom | ||
Świat Rocannona
Rocanon, kosmiczny etnograf prowadzący badania na zacofanej planecie, staje w obronie tubylców, których zaatakował galaktyczny wróg. Naukowa misja przekształca się w awanturniczą wyprawę, podczas której bohater odkrywa w sobie tajemniczy dar, znany jedynie Najstarszym. Серия: Ekumena |
Le Guin Ursula K | ||
Walking Wounded
IT DIDN'T TAKE TWO TO RAMBO It didn't matter to Remo that his mentor Chiun told him he was acting like a child to want to go back to Vietnam on a mission of rescue and revenge. It didn't matter to Remo that his superior Smith ordered him to abandon a plan that could upset the delicate balance of world peace. Remo was out of his skull with remembered rage, and out of control of anyone who wanted to stop him from trying to spring a wartime buddy from a jungle hell. And the Destroyer plunged back into the past to fight a one-man war against an old enemy that would not die but could still kill without mercy and vanish like a ghoulish ghost.... Серия: The Destroyer |
Murphy Warren, Sapir Richard | ||
White Water
When fish begin to disappear from the coastal United States, the source of the problem is discovered in Canada and threatens relations between the neighboring countries, until the Destroyer starts trawling for answers. Серия: The Destroyer |
Murphy Warren, Sapir Richard | ||
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Six year-old Zoe York has been taken and her mother has come to Remy for help. She shows him crude, childlike drawings that she claims are Zoe's visions of the future, everything leading up to her abduction, and some beyond. Like the picture of a man with wings who would come and save her—a man who is an angel. Zoe's preternatural gifts have made her a target for those who wish to exploit her power to their own destructive ends. The search will take Remy to dark places he would rather avoid. But to save an innocent, Remy will ally himself with a variety of lesser evils-and his soul may pay the price… Серия: Remy Chandler |
Sniegoski Thomas E | Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора | |
Warrior Rising Серия: Chronicles of Soone | Somers James |