Жанры книг

Книги жанра «Юмор» на букву «D»

Описание Автор
Daddy, Stop Talking! : And Other Things My Kids Want but Won't Be Getting

I, Adam Carolla, being of beaten-down mind, declare this to be my Last Will and Testament. I revoke all wills and addendums previously made by me. (You guys never did listen, anyway.)

Article I

I appoint the rest of the world’s unappreciated dads as Personal Representatives to administer this Will. I bequeath to them the right to crack a couple cold ones in the garage after working their asses off all week and ask that they be permitted to watch all the porn they like and not have to change diapers and get dragged to every preschool “graduation” and PTA meeting.

Article II

To my wife, I leave a safe-deposit box, the sole content of which is a note reading “Get a job. I’m dead,” and my best wishes on trying to keep up with the unending demands of our houses, cars, dog, and kids.

Article III

I devise, bequeath, and give my kids this book, Daddy, Stop Talking. Since you guys were the death of me, I leave you these pages of wisdom. But no cash, cars, or property. You’ve got to earn those. On that note, I further demand that the following message be placed on the marker of my grave: “You’re All on Your Own Now. Enjoy.”

Carolla Adam  
Demos support Stuff Автор неизвестен  
Demos support Stuff. Collection of Humor  
Don't Go to Jail!

Lawyer Saul Goodman of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad offers his own particular brand of funny, down-to-earth legal advice.

Got the long arm of the law around your neck?

Does Lady Justice have her eye on you?

Were you set up at a lineup?

Saul Goodman can help!

There are some crazy laws out there. Did you know that in New Mexico there’s a law that says “idiots” can’t vote? Or that Massachusetts still has a ban on Quakers and witches? Or that in Georgia it’s illegal to put a donkey in a bathtub?

Even if you’re not bathing a donkey (and hey, if you are, no judgment from me!), you could be breaking the law right now and not even know it. That’s why you need Don’t Go to Jail! You can carry the advice of a seasoned legal practitioner with you anywhere you go, helping you to stay out of the courts and in the good graces of the criminal justice system.

Want to be your own attorney? Want to avoid getting hauled in on a warrant? Want to keep the cops from discovering the baggie of “your friend’s” marijuana stashed under the passenger seat of your car? This is your chance to get those tips and many more savory bits of indispensable legal advice—all for much less than my usual hourly fee.

Серия: Saul Goodman's Guides
Goodman Saul, Huff Steven E  
Doom Generation Бочаров Олег  
Dr. Nyet

About The Series: Steve Victor is a man who studies sex. He studies it from all angles as well as upside-down and right-side-up. He not only studies it, he loves it and that makes his research even more fun. He is also the one-man organization known as O.R.G.Y. O.R.G.Y. stands for, according to Victor, the Organization for the Rational Guidance of Youth. He named it that because having a name that correctly indicated the true purpose of studying sex would likely get too many doors shut in his face and to Victor, the open doors meant more chances for money and the real meaning of Obtaining Research Grants for Yours truly. While Victor freely admits that he is working hard for grant money to continue his amazing life style, grants are not his only source of income for as he travels about the world, he also does odd jobs here and there for a 'most secret of American spy organizations'. This unnamed agency, which is definitely not the CIA, might send him to various action spots in the world but it is his lust that makes the spots get active.

Серия: The Man from O.R.G.Y.
Mark Ted  
Dr. Nyet

About The Series: Steve Victor is a man who studies sex. He studies it from all angles as well as upside-down and right-side-up. He not only studies it, he loves it and that makes his research even more fun. He is also the one-man organization known as O.R.G.Y. O.R.G.Y. stands for, according to Victor, the Organization for the Rational Guidance of Youth. He named it that because having a name that correctly indicated the true purpose of studying sex would likely get too many doors shut in his face and to Victor, the open doors meant more chances for money and the real meaning of Obtaining Research Grants for Yours truly. While Victor freely admits that he is working hard for grant money to continue his amazing life style, grants are not his only source of income for as he travels about the world, he also does odd jobs here and there for a 'most secret of American spy organizations'. This unnamed agency, which is definitely not the CIA, might send him to various action spots in the world but it is his lust that makes the spots get active.

Серия: The Man from O.R.G.Y.
, Mark Ted