Описание | Автор | ||
Behind The Hands That Kill
Even professional killers need vacations, but for Victor Faust, his vacation in Venezuela is about more than relaxation and time alone with Izabel Seyfried. It is a chance for him to come clean to Izabel: to tell her the truth about why he sent her to Italy with his brother, the truth behind his interest in Nora Kessler, and about his knowledge of Izabel’s child with her former captor. But before Victor can spill his soul, reality proves that for some killers, vacations are just pipe-dreams. Attacked and kidnapped, Izabel finds herself stuffed in a suitcase, while Victor later wakes up imprisoned in a cage. In any other situation, Victor would find a way out and save himself and the woman he loves—but not this time. When the identities of their kidnappers are revealed, Victor loses all hope, and begins the mental process of accepting his and Izabel’s last moments together. And Izabel’s final moments of life. As if his circumstances are not complicated enough, members of Vonnegut’s Order are finally closing in on Victor. And when they do, he comes face-to-face with someone else he once knew and loved, who could either help him, or make a grave situation much worse. Victor’s past has finally caught up with him: the women he has cared for, loved, and killed; the families he has destroyed; the unforgivable crimes he has committed. And now he must face the consequences, and pay the ultimate price for absolution. But when it is all over, Victor may not have the strength to pick up what is left and move on. Because the event changes him. Because love changed him. And because, unlike before when he thought it is was for the best, he cannot imagine a life without Izabel in it. Серия: In the Company of Killers |
Redmerski J A | ||
Big Boned
3-я книга о Хизер Уэллс на английском языке. На русском языке вышла в июне 2009, название "Таблетки для рыжего кота". Life is reasonably rosy for plus-size ex-pop star turned Assistant Dormitory Director and sometime sleuth Heather Wells. Her freeloading ex-con dad is finally moving out. She still yearns for her hot landlord, Cooper Cartwright, but her relationship with "rebound beau," vigorous vegan math professor Tad Tocco, is more than satisfactory. Best of all, nobody has died lately in "Death Dorm," the aptly nicknamed student residence that Heather assistant-directs. Of course every silver lining ultimately has some black cloud attached. And when the latest murdered corpse to clutter up her jurisdiction turns out to be her exceedingly unlovable boss, Heather finds herself on the shortlist of prime suspects—along with the rabble-rousing boyfriend of her high-strung student assistant and an indecently handsome young campus minister who's been accused of taking liberties with certain girls' choir members. With fame beckoning her back into show business (as the star of a new kids' show!) it's a really bad time to get wrapped up in another homicide. Plus Tad's been working himself up to ask her a Big Question, which Heather's not sure she has an answer for. . Серия: 8138, Хизер Уэллс |
Cabot Meg | ||
Bitten & Smitten
Blind dates can be bad, but Sarah Dearly's date is a true contender for worst ever. His neck nibbling didn't just leave a bruise; it turns her into a vampire, and the newest target for a pack of zealot vampire hunters. With her date now their latest victim, Sarah runs for her immortal life - straight into Thierry de Bennicoeur, a master vampire who is just a wee bit suicidal. Thierry can't resist a damsel in distress and agrees to teach Sarah how to live the vampire life if she'll help him end his own. But as it turns out, Sarah may be his best reason for living. Bitten & Smitten is a study in contrasts: frothy chick-lit wrapped around a grittier reality and a flip side featuring a modern heroine paired with a Brontean hero. And Rowen makes it all work together beautifully. Серия: Immortality Bites |
Роуэн Мишель | ||
Bittersusses 7. Jahr
Lange wollte es Sabine nicht wahrhaben, doch jetzt kann sie den Kopf nicht länger in den Sand stecken: In ihrer Ehe kriselt es. Und das nicht zu knapp. So kommt es, daß Peter und sie diesmal getrennt ihren Urlaub verleben — er im sonnigen Süden, sie im kühleren Norden. Aber beide bringen es nicht fertig, den anderen so einfach seinem Schicksal zu überlassen — und vielleicht einem gefährlichen Urlaubsflirt! Sie haben den gleichen genialen Einfall: Freund Portz muß helfen. Immerhin ist er Rechtsanwalt und bestens versiert im Ausspionieren treuloser Ehehälften. Eigentlich läßt sich das Experiment für Sabine gar nicht schlecht an. Ein verliebter Verehrer ist bald zur Stelle… noch dazu ein Millionär. (Daß es ein falscher ist, stellt sich erst später heraus.) Doch restlos glücklich ist Sabine erst, als sie nach vielen heiteren Verwirrungen wieder in den Armen ihres geliebten Peter landet. Zum Glück hat sich wieder einmal erwiesen, daß ein kleines Ehekriseln zu neuer Liebe fuhren kann — wenn zwei zärtliche Herzen klüger sind als zwei dumme Dickschädel. |
Конзалик Хайнц | ||
The Barnes & Noble Review New York Times–bestselling author Catherine Coulter's FBI series never fails to deliver sensual sizzle along with the suspense. In Blindside, husband-and-wife FBI agents Lacey Sherlock and Dillon Savich team up again on two vital cases: a killer who targets Washington, D.C., teachers and the kidnapping of an old friend's son. Though six-year-old Sam manages to escape and take refuge with Tennessee sheriff Katie Benedict and her daughter, Keely, his kidnappers quickly strike again...and pay a deadly price for the rematch when reinforcements arrive in the form of Sam's dad (a former FBI agent) and his buddy Savich. But the terror isn't over: It soon becomes clear that whoever is behind the kidnapping has only changed strategies, not abandoned the plan. The investigation leads in unexpected directions, particularly among the followers of a powerful local evangelist. As the story unfolds in a beautiful town nestled amid the Smoky Mountains, the quick-thinking sheriff uncovers unforeseen hazards, surprising secrets...and an extraordinary opportunity for love. Sue Stone Серия: FBI |
Coulter Catherine | ||
Breaking Dawn
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Meyer Stephenie | ||
Breaking Dawn
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Meyer Stephenie | Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора |