Жанры книг

Книги жанра «Остросюжетные любовные романы» на букву «D»

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Raiders Hegards

no angļu valodas tulkojusi R. Koka

«Daiļā Margareta»,  ir viens no  labākajiem šā žanra darbiem. Par romāna darbības fonu rakstnieks izvēlējies 15. gs. pēdējo ceturksni, kad Anglijā un Spānijā norisinājās sīva cīņa starp absolūto monarhiju un feodālo sadrum­stalotību.

Anglijā, ko bija galīgi novājinājusi divu feodāļu dzimtu — Lankasteras un Jorkas — ilgstoša un asiņaina cīņa, kura iegājusi vēsturē kā Sarkanās un Baltās Rozes karš, pie varas nāca jauna karaļu dinastija — Tjūdori. Jaunās dinastijas nodibinātājam Henrijam VII, kura valdīšanas sestajā gadā norisinās romāna darbība, izdevās nostiprināties uz troņa un sekmīgi cīnīties pret feodāļiem. Kaut gan romāna darbība norit galvenokārt Spānijā, Hegards veiksmīgi attēlojis arī vēsturisko situāciju tālaika Anglijā. Galvenais varonis — Pīters Broums — ir nabadzīgs tāpēc, ka viņa tēvs, būdams karaļa Ričarda III piekritējs, kritis kaujā pie Bosvortas, kurā uzvarēja Henrijs Tjūdors. Hegards ļoti īsi, bet precīzi rak­sturo Henriju VII — viņa nedrošo stāvokli tronī, cenšanos uzturēt draudzīgas attiecības ar Spāniju.

Hegards Raiders  
Danger Signals

After tracking a serial killer through six brutal murders, detective Wade Callahan didn't know where to turn. Then Tierney Doyle, an empath and the police force's secret weapon, joined the search. Wade was immediately attracted to the beautiful blonde-but he didn't trust her abilities. He didn't trust her.

Until Tierney uncovered a fact he couldn't deny. Someone was watching Wade-someone who might be connected to the recurring nightmare he'd had since childhood. And as he and Tierney both came into the killer's sights, Wade knew he'd face down death to keep this woman by his side.

Creighton Kathleen Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Dangerous to Touch

All her life Sidney Morrow had tried to repress her disturbing psychic visions. Until a vision of murder shattered her fragile serenity. She had to go to the authorities – make them listen. But Lt. Marc Cruz didn't trust her one bit. In fact, the sensual homicide cop treated her like a suspect. And sent her senses haywire…

The dark-haired beauty knew something about the serial killer Marc was after. But he was certain "visions" had nothing to do with it. Determined to be her constant shadow, Marc wasn't prepared when desire blindsided him – and put them both in the path of a relentless killer.

Sorenson Jill Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Daredevil’s Run

He feared nothing.

.not even after a rock-climbing fall stripped Matt Pearson of his ability to walk. Now the former daredevil was gearing up for a dangerous river run that would test him as never before. So would seeing Alex Penny, his former partner and lover – the woman he let get away. But Matt wasn't one to resist a dare…

Five years ago, Matt had allowed his heartbreaking accident to come between them. How could Alex make him see that he was the same man she'd always loved? This time, nothing – not the river, not an unseen enemy, not even Matt himself – could stem the tide of their feelings, and of a passion too long denied…

Creighton Kathleen Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Death Echo

New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell cuts a new edge in suspense with this thrilling tale of passion, danger, and international intrigue in which a pair of former operatives must stop a deadly plot that threatens a major American city – and ultimately the world

When she joined St. Kilda's, the elite security consulting firm, Emma Cross thought she'd left behind the blood, the guilt, and the tribal wars that defined her life at the CIA. Yet, trading spying for investigating yacht thefts didn't alleviate the danger – or melt away her professional paranoia. Now, the same good instincts that got her into trouble at the agency might be what will help her survive her latest case.

With some arm-twisting, St. Kilda and Emma are tracking a yacht named Blackbird, a dead ringer for another ship that went missing somewhere between Vladivostok and Portland a year earlier. Emma knows the boat's intended cargo is lethal. What she needs to find out is whether it's biological, chemical, or fissionable. And she's only got seven days to uncover the truth… or a major American city will be lost.

Fortunately, she's working with a new partner as menacing and distrustful as the worst enemy she's ever faced – and as deadly. A honed killer, MacKenzie Durand led a special ops team that was deployed to some of the world's nastiest places. But five years ago everything went to hell in Afghanistan, when bad intel hung his team out to dry. The only survivor, Mac walked away and never looked back, preferring to make money sailing high-end boats like Blackbird.

But Emma and Mac aren't the only eyes watching Blackbird. Taras Demidov, an expert in extortion and execution in the pay of the oligarchs running the former Soviet Union, is also waiting in the shadows, determined to intercept a fearsomely powerful arms dealer with the money, weaponry, and connections to alter the geopolitical balance.

Thrown together by an organization of enemies with global ties more dangerous than either of them realize, Mac and Emma must put aside their growing attraction for each other to save more than just their own lives. In a deadly game where the rules change without warning and the line between friend and foe is blurred, the pair must find answers fast – or watch as innocent civilians are sacrificed in a cold-blooded grab for power and supremacy. And even Mac and Emma aren't sure just who will get to the finish line alive…

A breathtaking tale of passion and danger, Death Echo is superb entertainment from the queen of suspense, New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell.

Lowell Elizabeth Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора
Die Täuschung

Das Frankfurter Ehepaar Laura und Peter Simon besitzt ein Ferienhaus in der Provence und fühlt sich diesem Landstrich seit langem tief verbunden. Neben den gemeinsamen Ferien mit der kleinen Tochter gibt es in jedem Herbst außerdem eine Woche, die Peter Simon ganz allein gehört: Er reist stets nach Südfrankreich, um dort mit seinem besten Freund Christopher Heymann einige Tage auf einem Segelboot zu verbringen. Auch an diesem Oktoberabend erhält Laura, wie immer, einen Anruf von Peter, der sie von seiner Ankunft unterrichtet — das letzte Lebenszeichen, wie sich herausstellt.

Denn von nun an ist Peter wie vom Erdboden verschwunden. Laura versucht verzweifelt, zuerst von Frankfurt aus etwas über den Verbleib ihres Mannes herauszufinden, und stößt schon bald auf erste böse Überraschungen. Ihr wird klar, daß sie nur vor Ort in St. Cyr weitersuchen kann, und so packt sie kurz entschlossen die Koffer und meldet sich bei Christopher an. Doch auch der scheint ihr nicht wirklich weiterhelfen zu können, ebensowenig wie die französischen Freunde in der Provence, von denen sie sich Informationen erhofft hatte, da Peter nachweislich in deren Restaurant zuletzt gesehen wurde. Als Laura zufällig mitbekommt, daß vor kurzem zwei grausame Morde an einem weiblichen Feriengast und dessen Tochter verübt wurden, findet sie dies zwar beunruhigend, bringt es aber nicht mit dem Verschwinden ihres Mannes in Verbindung. Eine trügerische Annahme — denn wie es scheint, ist die Grenze zwischen Freund und Feind bereits aufgehoben …

Link Charlotte  

Звезды сияют с небес, глядя, как мы проживаем наши ничтожные жизни. И плачут, и плачут…

Серия: Город больших денег
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