Описание | Автор | ||
Seeds of Fear
Plant yourself under the covers and get ready for Seeds of Fear, fifth in the ground- breaking Hot Blood erotic horror anthology series. Pinup queen Brinke Stevens delivers the Introduction, and 19 original stories cultivated by editors Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett follow. Terror and titillation reach full, florid bloom as Bentley Little invites you to “See Marilyn Monroe’s Panties!” Ronald Kelly introduces a “Scream Queen” you won’t soon forget, Edward Lee follows his Stoker-nominated “Mr. Torso” (HB4) with “Grub-Girl” and award-winning author P. D. Cacek (Stoker, World Fantasy) welcomes her “Devil With a Blue Dress.” These top-name horror writers bring you the freshest works guaranteed to raise goosebumps and scald the blood. Серия: Hot Blood |
Ptacek Kathryn, Little Bentley, Lee Edward, Kelly Ronald, Sallee Wayne Allen, Gelb Jeff, Williamson J N, Garrett Michael, Miller Rex, Anderson Paul Dale, Newton Michael, Stevens Brinke, Mosiman Billie Sue, Taff John, Crawford James, Comeau J L, George Stephen R, Urban Scott H, Cacek P D | ||
Segunda Oportunidad
Nell Calder era una mujer tímida y amable, una esposa que intentaba contentar a su ambicioso marido, una madre que amaba a su hijita con pasión. En suma, no era el tipo de mujer capaz de inspirar envidia, deseo ni pasiones asesinas. ¿Quién iba a querer hacerle daño? Pero ocurrió una tragedia: una noche, en una exótica isla del mar Egeo durante una elegante reunión en la que su marido esperaba culminar su fulgurante carrera en el mundo de las finanzas, y que fue interrumpida por el estruendo de los disparos y la afilada hoja de un cuchillo. El ataque fue despiadado. La niña murió, y ella quedó terriblemente desfigurada. Sin embargo, la pesadilla convierte a Nell en una mujer distinta. La mejor cirugía le de un rostro de exquisita hermosura; la posterior rehabilitación, un cuerpo ágil y esbelto. Y Nicholas Tanek, el misterioso desconocido que suscita en ella temor y fascinación, le da una razón para seguir viviendo: la venganza. Preparar su venganza s lo único que la mantiene viva. El asesino de su hija no puede seguir viviendo. Ella le dará muerte… con sus propias manos. |
Johansen Iris | ||
Sensaciones Al Límite
Cuando el investigador privado Ben Callahan asumió el encargo de vigilar y proteger a la rica heredera Grace Montgomery, creyó que sería una misión fácil. Pero pronto descubrió que la maravillosa Grace representaba una seria amenaza para su libido. No le preocupaba poder mantenerla a salvo de cualquier amenaza, pero… ¿quién podría protegerla de él? Grace era finalmente libre: libre para descubrir quién era y lo que quería. Y lo que quería en aquel momento era a su nuevo y sexy vecino. Pensaba explorar su propio lado sensual, despojarse de todas sus inhibiciones y descubrir lo que significaba ser una mujer: la mujer de Ben. Aunque jamás hubiera podido imaginar que a Ben le habían pagado por obtener ese privilegio. |
Phillips Carly | ||
Set The Dark On Fire
In a southern California town ablaze with sordid secrets, a free-spirited biologist and a straitlaced sheriff join forces to investigate a suspicious killing – and find themselves getting a little too close to the flames. Shay Phillips knows her way around Dark Canyon. She's handy with a gun and can track a wild animal with the best of them. It's humans who usually give her the most trouble. And with a hormonally charged teenage brother to raise – and an admitted weakness for the wrong kind of man – they're giving her plenty of trouble these days. Then there's the matter of murder. As an expert on mountain lions, Shay is skeptical when a local prostitute turns up mauled without a drop of blood near the body. Now, together with the town's newly arrived sheriff, Luke Meza – a Las Vegas city boy with his own dark secrets – Shay must navigate a dangerous valley filled with angry ex-lovers, unfaithful spouses, and poisonous snakes in a desperate search for the killer. But when suspicion falls on her own brother, and her attraction to Luke rages into a full-on erotic affair, can Shay quell the fires inside her long enough to uncover the truth? |
Sorenson Jill | Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора | |
Simplemente Escandaloso
Logan Montgomery necesitaba arruinar su reputación, de lo contrario su importante padre jamás dejaría de intentar empujarlo hacia la política. Su única esperanza era tener una aventura con una mujer cuya familia no fuera socialmente adecuada. La insolente y seductora Catherine Luck era la mujer perfecta… en todos los sentidos. Sólo que cuanto más tiempo pasaba Logan con la hermosa rubia, más comprendía que daría su reputación, y todo lo demás, por pasar una noche con ella… |
Phillips Carly | ||
Slow Burn
Kate MacKenna doesn’t have a bad bone in her body–or an enemy in the world. A woman who barely knew her father and has just lost her mother, Kate is a loving sister, a savvy business owner, and an unpretentious beauty who radiates kindness. So why are bombs igniting everywhere she goes? The first explosion brings her face-to-face with a handsome Charleston police detective. The second one sends her into the arms of her best friend’s brother–a Boston cop who’s a little too reckless and way too charming for comfort. But Dylan Buchanan won’t let emotion prevent him from doing his job: Someone is trying to kill Kate, and Dylan is the only one standing between her and the monster who wants her dead. For Kate to understand the danger, she must learn all about desire–desire for pleasure, desire for power, and someone’s desire to kill. |
Garwood Julie | Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора | |
Some Girls Bite
Нейл Хлоя | Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора | |
Spiel des Schicksals (Hounds and Jackals)
Während einer komplizierten Operation erhält Lydia Harris, eine hochqualifizierte OP-Schwester in einem Krankenhaus im kalifornischen Malibu, einen mysteriösen Anruf von ihrer Schwester Adele, von der sie seit Jahren nichts gehört hat. Adele bittet sie ebenso dringlich wie verworren, sofort zu ihr nach Rom zu kommen. Wenig später trifft ein Päckchen von Adele ein. Es enthält eine Figur aus Elfenbein mit einem kunstvoll geschnitzten Schakalskopf. Lydia zieht den mit ihr befreundeten Chirurgen Dr. Kellerman zu Rate, der sich privat als Kunstsammler betätigt. Dr. Kellerman findet schnell heraus, daß es sich bei dem Schakal um eine Figur aus einem uralten ägyptischen Brettspiel handeln und daß diese Figur äußerst wertvoll sein muß. Lydia macht sich indessen große Sorgen um ihre Schwester. Gegen den Rat von Dr. Kellerman fliegt Lydia kurzentschlossen nach Rom. Aber das ist erst der Anfang einer gefährlichen Odyssee, die Lydia schließlich bis in das ägyptische Tal der Könige führt. Barbara Wood, 1947 in England geboren, wuchs in Kalifornien auf. Sie arbeitete nach ihrem Studium zehn Jahre als OP-Schwester in einer neurochirurgischen Klinik, bevor sie ihr Hobby zum Beruf machte und Schriftstellerin wurde. Inzwischen hat sie mehrere sehr erfolgreiche Romane geschrieben. Barbara Wood bereist alle Länder, in denen ihre Romane spielen, um die geschichtlichen und sonstigen Details zu recherchieren. Sie lebt in Kalifornien. |
Wood Barbara | ||
Spying in High Heels
L.A. shoe designer, Maddie Springer, lives her life by three rules: Fashion. Fashion. Fashion. But when she stumbles upon the work of a brutal killer, her life takes an unexpected turn from Manolos to murder. And things only get worse when her boyfriend disappears-along with $20 million in embezzled funds-and her every move is suddenly under scrutiny by LAPD's sexiest cop. With the help of her post-menopausal bridezilla of a mother, a 300-pound psychic and one seriously oversexed best friend, Maddie finds herself stepping out of her stilettos and onto the trail of a murderer. But can she catch a killer before the killer catches up to her? |
Halliday Gemma | ||
Stakes & Stilettos
Newly vamped Sarah Dearly wants her normal life back, but fate is fighting against her. She tries to get a regular job and gets staked in the interview, only to be rescued by a masked vampire who calls himself the Red Devil. Then a wallflower-turned-witch curses her, making her a bloodthirsty, sun-allergic nightwalker--the worst vampire there is. As if all that weren't enough, she can't get married because her 600-year-old boyfriend, Thierry, is in a centuries-long marriage of convenience he can't escape. As Sarah's nightwalker tendencies make her more dangerous, even to those she loves, she'll have to counteract that curse, unmask the increasingly intriguing Red Devil, and get a commitment from her man. But if that's what it takes to secure her happiness, Sarah is ready...even if it means embracing her inner vamp to do it. Серия: Immortality Bites |
Роуэн Мишель | ||
Stand By Your Man
Beautician-turned-country singer Maggie Reid is getting too famous for her own good. Since her endearing if good-for-nothing former husband. "Satellite Dish and Mobile Home King" Vernell Spivey, vanished along with millions, everybodyseems to be interested in the ex-wife he left in the lurch...including some very bad people called "The Redneck Mafia." Drop-dead gorgeous Detective Marshall Weathers and his police cronies want to know what Maggie knows as well, since they have a murder on their hands that has Vernell's name all over it. Maggie knows this much: there are many negative appellations you could pin on old liquor-loving, skirt-chasing Vernell, but "killer" isn't one of them. And though it means courting a mob hit and the extreme attentions of a sturdy bike p.i., the determined d-i-v-o-r-c-e-e is going to find her missing ex and prove him innocent...or die trying! Серия: Maggie Reid |
Bartholomew Nancy | ||
Suspect Lover
Eager to start a family, Caroline Sommerville marries Dominic Santos in a whirlwind courtship. Then the unthinkable happens: her husband becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his business partner. With Dominic on the run from the police, Caroline is his last hope. Though she's only known him a short time, she's certain he was framed. But there's so much about him she doesn't know. And when a damning secret in Dominic's past surfaces, Caroline has to decide whether she believes in the man she married. Is he the murderer he's accused of being? Or is he the husband who needs her trust – and love? |
Doyle Stephanie | Скачивание и чтение запрещены по просьбе уважаемого Автора |