Описание | Автор | ||
Case of Conscience
Father Ruiz-Sanchez is a dedicated man—a priest who is also a scientist, and a scientist who is also a human being. He has found no insoluble conflicts in his beliefs or his ethics… until he is sent to Lithia. There he comes upon a race of aliens who are admirable in every way except for their total reliance on cold reason; they are incapable of faith or belief. Confronted with a profound scientific riddle and ethical quandary, Father Ruiz-Sanchez soon finds himself torn between the teachings of his faith, the teachings of his science, and the inner promptings of his humanity. There is only one solution: He must accept an ancient and unforgivable heresy—and risk the futures of both worlds… Amazon.com ReviewСерия: SF Masterworks |
Blish James | ||
Children of God
Daring and original stories set in New Testament times, from a rising young Norwegian author Lars Petter Sveen’s Children of God recounts the lives of people on the margins of the New Testament; thieves, Roman soldiers, prostitutes, lepers, healers, and the occasional disciple all get a chance to speak. With language free of judgment or moralizing, Sveen covers familiar ground in unusual ways. In the opening story, a group of soldiers are tasked with carrying out King Herod’s edict to slaughter the young male children in Bethlehem but waver in their resolve. These interwoven stories harbor surprises at every turn, as the characters reappear. A group of thieves on the road to Jericho encounters no good Samaritan but themselves. A boy healed of his stutter will later regress. A woman searching for her lover from beyond the grave cannot find solace. At crucial moments an old blind man appears, urging the characters to give in to their darker impulses. Children of God was a bestseller in Norway, where it won the Per Olov Enquist Literary Prize and gathered ecstatic reviews. Sveen’s subtle elevation of the conflict between light and dark focuses on the varied struggles these often-ignored individuals face. Yet despite the dark tone, Sveen’s stories retain a buoyancy, thanks to Guy Puzey’s supple and fleet-footed translation. This deeply original and moving book, in Sveen’s restrained and gritty telling, brings to light stories that reflect our own time, from a setting everyone knows. |
Sveen Lars Petter | ||
Contra Dei #1 | Авторов Коллектив | ||
Contra Dei #2 | Авторов Коллектив | ||
Cultura Duhului
Lucrarea se dovedește a fi o pledoarie pentru omul «cultivat duhovnicește», nu numai intelectual. Cultura de astazi este una laicizată, departe de Biserică, uneori seacă și fără valori. Părintele Rafail Noica ne pune la îndemână cuvinte duhovnicești profunde, izvorâte dintr-o experiență de viață trăită în Hristos, cu Hristos, în Duhul Sfânt. Cartea cuprinde o selecție din cuvântările rostite în eparhia din Alba Iulia, pe diverse teme: duhovnicie, pocăință, iertare, frică de Dumnezeu, omul și valoarea postului. |
Noica Rafail | ||
«Cвидетели Иеговы» — кто они? | Стеняев священник Олег | ||
Cлово утешительное на смерть императора Валентиниана младшего
Хотя писать о том, о чем сожалеем, есть только усиление страдания, но так как в воспоминании об утраченной вещи дух чаще всего находит себе успокоение (ибо, когда мы пишем, мы устремляем к ней мысль и внимание, и тогда она в словах наших как бы оживает), то рассудили мы написать о кончине младшего Валентиниана. |
Амвросий Медиоланский |