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Old Testament
Holy Bible, Authorized (King James) Version. Old Testament The King James Version Bible (KJV) was authorized by King James I and is sometimes referred to as the “Authorized Version”. It was translated by the Church of England and was first published in. |
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Omnipotens (Бог Всемогущий)?
Слова, ..мелькающие в газетных заголовках; слова, звучащие прямо в метро:«В жизни нет места для чуда»; ...почему я верю, если ?.. Бог не помог... а ведь мы так молились... Кто Он ?... «злой демон?». Вопрос о Боге встает ребром. Кто это, Бог? Тот Бог, против которого восстал Прометей в трагедии у Эсхила, или то Небо, которому противостоял Сунь У-Кун в китайском фольклоре? Или Бог добр, но не всемогущ, как считает Дж. Дьюи? Лекция о религиозности современного человека для сотрудников ВГБИЛ им. М.И. Рудомино в рамках «Программы по повышению квалификации», прочитанная в Научно-исследовательском центре религиозной литературы в сентябре 2000 г. Печатается по конспекту автора. |
Чистяков Георгий Петрович | ||
On The Wings of Hope. Prose
Collection of stories Wisdom of future, present and past Now we are releasing at the long last. Let's celebrate now, sing and dance Of those, awakening at once. Piercing fast other's anger and fear, Book will be born in required year. Let then each one dive in himself - Him Book will aid in finding true self. Whether is matter where it came from ? Let it be called as the "Book of the Freedom". Having become free, you will see fetters of others. Trying to remove these fetters, you will create hatred. Fetters can be broken only by those realized them. Truly free is reasonable, yet not clever. Truly free is innocent, yet not a child. Truly free is capable to trust, but himself. Truly free has no dreams. Truly free is free to aid sleeping ones awake. Such is the truly free one. It's possible to read the book and not understand it - but it's impossible to understand book, without having read it. Let everyone find their own understanding. |
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