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Михаил (19.04.2017 - 06:11:11)
книге:  Петля и камень на зелёной траве

Потрясающая книга. Не понравится только нацистам.

Антихрист666 (18.04.2017 - 21:05:58)
книге:  Дом чудовищ (Подвал)

Классное чтиво!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ладно, теперь поспешили вы... (18.04.2017 - 20:50:34)
книге:  Физики шутят

"Не для сайта!" – это не имя. Я пытался завершить нашу затянувшуюся неудачную переписку, оставшуюся за окном сайта, а вы вын... >>

Роман (18.04.2017 - 18:12:26)
книге:  Если хочешь быть богатым и счастливым не ходи в школу?

Прочитал все его книги! Великий человек, кардинально изменил мою жизнь.

АНДРЕЙ (18.04.2017 - 16:42:55)
книге:  Технология власти

ПОЛЕЗНАЯ КНИГА. Жаль, что мало в России тех, кто прочитал...

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я,всего лишь мотылёк маленький и не красивый
я от бабочки далёк родственник её не милый
махаоном быть хочу чтоб гордится красотою
но ни с кем не поделюсь этой дерзкою мечтою,
а пока что, а пока бьют хлопушки мотылька
и лечу на огонёк обжигая крылья.
я от бабочки далёк родственник её не милый.

05.09.10 - 10:15

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"Did she indeed?" said Norma, with a teasing little smile.

"She said to ask you about Henry—"

" — Murkitt."

"Yes. Henry Murkitt."

"Poor old Henry. What else did she say? Did she tell you about Room Nineteen?"

"No. She didn't mention anything about a room. She just gave me the name."

"Well, I can tell you the tale," Norma said. "But I don't know if Murkitt's story is the kind of thing your Miss Schwartz will be looking for.

"Why not?"

"Well, because it's rather dark ," Norma said. "Tragic, in fact."

Candy smiled. "Well, Mom says I'm morbid, so I'll probably like it."

"Morbid, huh? All right," said Norma. "I guess I should tell you the whole darn thing. You see, Chickentown used to be called Murkitt."

"Really? That wasn't in any of the books about Minnesota."

"You know how it is. There's the history that finds its way into the books and there's the history that doesn't."

"And Henry Murkitt?"

"—is part of the history that doesn't."


Candy was fascinated. Remembering what her mother had said about doing some detective work, she took out her notebook and began to write in it. Murkitt. History we don't know .

"So the town was named after Henry Murkitt?"

"No," said Norma. "It was named after his grandfather Wallace Murkitt."

"Why did they change it?"

"I guess Chickentown fits, doesn't it? This place has got more damn chickens in it than it has people. And sometimes I think folks care more about the chickens than they do about each other. My husband works over at the factory, so that's all I ever hear from him and his friends—"

"Chicken talk?"

"Chickens, chickens and more darn chickens." Norma glanced at her watch. "You know I don't have much time to show you Room Nineteen today. I've got a big party of folks coming in. Can we do this another day?"

"I've got to have the report in by tomorrow morning."

"You kids, always leaving things to the last minute," Norma said. "Well, okay. We'll do this quickly. But you be sure to jot it all down, because I won't have time to say anything twice."

"I'm ready," said Candy.

Norma took her passkey from her pocket. "Linda?" she said to the woman working at the front desk, "I'm just going up to Room Nineteen."

The woman frowned. "Really? What for?"

The question went unanswered.

"I won't be more than ten minutes," Norma said.

She led Candy away from the reception area, talking as she went. "This is the new part of the hotel we're in right now," she explained. "It was built in 1964. But once we step through here" —she led Candy through a pair of double doors—"we're in the old hotel. It used to be called the High Seas Hotel. Don't ask me why."

Even if Candy hadn't been told that there was a difference between the portion of the hotel she'd been in and the part that Norma had brought her into, she would have known it. The passageways were narrower here and less well lit. There was a sour smell of age in the air, as if somebody had left the gas on.

"We only put people up in the old part of the hotel if all the other rooms are full. And that only happens when there's a Chicken Buyer's Conference. Even then, we try never to put people in Room Nineteen."

"Why's that?"

"Well, it's not that it's haunted , exactly. Though there have been stories. Personally, I think all that stuff about the afterlife is nonsense. You get one life and you'd better make the best of it. My sister got religion last year and she's shaping up for a sainthood, I swear."

Norma had led Candy to the end of a passageway where there was a narrow staircase, illuminated by a single lamp. It cast a yellowish light that did nothing to flatter the charmless wallpaper and the cracking paintwork.

Candy almost remarked that it was no wonder the management kept this part of the hotel out of the sight of guests, but she bit her tongue, remembering what her mother had said about keeping less courteous thoughts to herself.

Up the creaking stairs they went. They were steep.

"I should stop smoking," Norma remarked. "It'll be the death of me."

There were two doors at the top. One was Room Seventeen. The other was Room Nineteen.

Norma handed the passkey to Candy.

"You want to open it?" Norma said.


Candy took the key and put it in the lock. "You have to jiggle it around a little."

Candy jiggled. And after a little work, the key turned, and Candy opened the ill-oiled door of Room Nineteen.


I t was dark inside the room; the air still and stale.

"Why don't you go ahead and open the drapes, honey?" Norma said, taking the key back from Candy.

Candy waited a moment for her eyes to become accustomed to the gloom, then she tentatively made her way across the room to the window. The thick fabric of the drapes felt greasy against her palms, as though they hadn't been cleaned in a very long time. She pulled. The drapes moved reluctantly along dust— and dirt-clogged rails. The glass Candy found herself looking through was as filthy as the fabric.

"How long is it since anybody rented the room?" Candy said.

"Actually I can't remember if there's been anybody in it since I've been at the hotel," Norma said.

Candy looked out of the window. The view was no more inspiring to the senses or the soul than the view out of the kitchen window of 34 Followell Street, her home. Immediately below the window was a small courtyard at the back of the hotel, which contained five or six garbage cans, filled to over-brimming, and the skeletal remains of last year's Christmas tree, still wearing its shabby display of tinsel and artificial snow. Beyond the yard was Lincoln Street (or so Candy guessed; the journey through the hotel had completely disoriented her). She could see the tops of cars above the wall of the yard, and a Discount Drug Store on the opposite side of the street, its doors chained and padlocked, its shelves bare.

"So," said Norma, calling Candy's attention back into Room Nineteen. "This is where Henry Murkitt stayed."

"Did he come to the hotel often?"

"To my knowledge," Norma said, "he came only once. But I'm not really sure about that, so don't quote me."

Candy could understand why Henry would not have been a repeat visitor. The room was tiny. There was a narrow bed against the far wall and a chair in the corner with a small black television perched on it. In front of it was a second chair, on which was perched an over-filled ashtray.

"Some of our employees come up here when they have half an hour to spare to catch up on the soap operas," Norma said, by way of explanation.

"So they don't believe the room's haunted?"

"Put it this way, honey," Norma said.


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