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Михаил (19.04.2017 - 06:11:11)
книге:  Петля и камень на зелёной траве

Потрясающая книга. Не понравится только нацистам.

Антихрист666 (18.04.2017 - 21:05:58)
книге:  Дом чудовищ (Подвал)

Классное чтиво!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ладно, теперь поспешили вы... (18.04.2017 - 20:50:34)
книге:  Физики шутят

"Не для сайта!" – это не имя. Я пытался завершить нашу затянувшуюся неудачную переписку, оставшуюся за окном сайта, а вы вын... >>

Роман (18.04.2017 - 18:12:26)
книге:  Если хочешь быть богатым и счастливым не ходи в школу?

Прочитал все его книги! Великий человек, кардинально изменил мою жизнь.

АНДРЕЙ (18.04.2017 - 16:42:55)
книге:  Технология власти

ПОЛЕЗНАЯ КНИГА. Жаль, что мало в России тех, кто прочитал...

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А я не знаю
как и быть,
Так нелегко жить ожиданьем,
Мне просто хочется любить,
Но нет любви на расстоянье.

Ты посмотри в мои глаза,-
Не уезжай,
я в счастье верю,
Но главных слов не смог сказать,-
Ушла ты,
сильно хлопнув дверью...

13.05.10 - 05:18
Автор неизвестен

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Sharpes Siege   ::   Корнуэлл Бернард

Страница: 8 из 87
The naval flotilla, under Bampfylde’s command, would sail northwards and land troops on the coast south of the Point d’Arcachon. That land force, commanded by Sharpe, would proceed towards the fortress, a journey of some six hours, and make an escalade while the defenders were distracted by the’incursion of a frigate into the mouth of the Arcachon channel. “The frigate’s bound to take some punishment,” Bampfylde said equably, “but I’m sure Major Sharpe will overcome the gunners swiftly.”

The chart showed the great Basin of Arcachon with its narrow entrance channel, and marked the fortress of Teste de Buch on the eastern bank of that channel. A profile of the fort, as a landmark for mariners, was sketched on the chart, but the profile told Sharpe little about the stronghold’s defences. He looked at Elphinstone. “What do we know about the fort, sir?”

Elphinstone had been piqued by Bampfylde’s discourteous treatment and thus chose to use the technical language of his trade, doubtless hoping thereby to annoy the bumptious naval captain. “It’s an old fortification, Sharpe, a square-trace. You’ll face a glacis rising to ten feet, with an eight counterscarp into the outer ditch. A width of twenty and a scarp often. That’s revetted with granite, by the way, like the rest of the damned place. Climb the scarp and you’re on a counterguard. They’ll be peppering you by now and you’ve got a forty foot dash to the next counterscarp.” The colonel was speaking with a grim relish, as if seeing the figures running and dropping through the enemy’s plunging fire. “That’s twelve feet, it’s flooded, and the enceinte height is twenty.”

“The width of that last ditch?” Sharpe was making notes.

“Sixteen, near enough.” Elphinstone shrugged. “We don’t think it’s flooded more than a foot or two.” Even if the naval

Though other officers did not understand Elphinstone’s language, they could understand the importance of what he was saying. The Teste de Buch might be an old fort, but it was a bastard; a killer.

“Weapons, sir?” Sharpe asked.

Elphinstone had no need to consult his notes. “They’ve got six thirty-six pounders in a semi-circular bastion that butts into the channel. The other guns are twenty-fours, wall mounted.”

Captain Horace Bampfylde had listened to the technical language and understood that a small point was being scored against him. Now he smiled. “We should be grateful it’s not a tenaille trace.”

Elphinstone frowned, realizing that Bampfylde had understood all that had been said. “Indeed.”

“No lunettes?” Bampfylde’s expression was seraphic. “Caponiers?”

Elphinstone’s frown deepened. “Citadels at the corners, but hardly more than guerites.”

Bampfylde looked to Sharpe. “Surprise and speed, Major! They can’t defend the complete enceinte, and the frigate will distract them!” So much, it seemed, for the problems of capturing a fortress. The talk moved on to the proposed naval operations inside the Bassin d’Arcachon, where more chasse-marees awaited capture, but Sharpe, uninterested in that part of the discussion, let his thoughts drift.

He did not see Bampfylde’s plush, shining cabin, instead he imagined a rising grass slope, scythed smooth, called a glacis. Beyond the glacis was an eight foot drop into a granite faced, sheer-sided ditch twenty feet wide.

At the far side of the ditch his men would be faced with a ten foot climb that would lead to a gentle, inward-facing slope; the counterguard. The counterguard was like a broad target displayed to the marksman on the inner wall, the enceinte. Men would cross the counterguard, screaming and twisting as the balls thumped home, only to face a twelve foot drop into a flooded ditch that was sixteen feet wide.

By now the enemy would be dropping shells or even stones. A boulder, dropped from the twenty foot high inner wall, would crush a man’s skull like an eggshell, yet still the wall would have to be climbed with ladders if the men were to penetrate into the Teste de Buch. Given a month, and a train of siege artillery, Sharpe could have blasted a broad path through the whole trace of ditches and walls, but he did not have a month. He had a few moments only in which he must save a frigate from the terrible battering of the fort’s heavy guns.

“Major?” Abruptly the image of the twenty foot wall vanished to be replaced by Bampfylde’s quizzically mocking smile. “Major?”


“We are talking, Major, of how many men would be needed to defend the captured fortress while we await reinforcements from the south?”

“How long will the garrison have to hold?” Sharpe asked.

Wigram chose to answer. “A few days at the most. If we do find that Bordeaux’s ripe for rebellion, then we can bring an Army corps north inside ten days.”

Sharpe shrugged. “Two hundred? Three? But you’d best use Marines, because I’ll need all of my Battalion if you want me to march inland.”

It was Sharpe’s first trenchant statement and it brought curious glances from the junior naval officers. They had all heard of Richard Sharpe and they. watched his weather-darkened, scarred face with interest.

“Your Battalion?” Wigram’s voice was as dry as old paper.

“A brigade would be preferable, sir.”

Elphinstone snorted with laughter, but Wigram’s expression did not change. “And what leads you to suppose, Major, that the Prince of Wales’s Own Volunteers are going to Arcachon?”

Sharpe had assumed it because he had been summoned, and because he was the de facto commander of the Battalion, but Colonel Wigram now disabused him brutally.

“You are here, Major, because you are supernumerary to regimental requirements.” Wigram’s voice, like his gaze, was pitiless. “Your regimental rank, Major, is that of captain. Captains, however ambitious, do not command Battalions. You should be apprised that a new commanding officer, of due seniority and competence, is being appointed to the Prince of Wales’s Own Volunteers.”

There was a horrid and embarrassed silence in the cabin. Every man there, except for the young Captain Bampfylde, knew the bitter pangs of promotion denied, and each man knew they were watching Sharpe’s hopes being broken on the wheel of the Army’s regulations. The assembled officers looked away from Sharpe’s evident hurt.

And Sharpe was hurt. He had rescued that Battalion. He had trained it, given it the Prince of Wales’s name, then led it to the winter victories in the Pyrenees.


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