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Михаил (19.04.2017 - 06:11:11)
книге:  Петля и камень на зелёной траве

Потрясающая книга. Не понравится только нацистам.

Антихрист666 (18.04.2017 - 21:05:58)
книге:  Дом чудовищ (Подвал)

Классное чтиво!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ладно, теперь поспешили вы... (18.04.2017 - 20:50:34)
книге:  Физики шутят

"Не для сайта!" – это не имя. Я пытался завершить нашу затянувшуюся неудачную переписку, оставшуюся за окном сайта, а вы вын... >>

Роман (18.04.2017 - 18:12:26)
книге:  Если хочешь быть богатым и счастливым не ходи в школу?

Прочитал все его книги! Великий человек, кардинально изменил мою жизнь.

АНДРЕЙ (18.04.2017 - 16:42:55)
книге:  Технология власти

ПОЛЕЗНАЯ КНИГА. Жаль, что мало в России тех, кто прочитал...

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Мы сидели у костра!
Дождик моросил.
Дождик кончился. УРА!
Начинаем пир!

Взяли в руки инструменты,
Нашу песню вспомнили.
Для девчонок наших нежных
Мы её исполнили.

Взял Серёга бас-гитару,
Дрюня шестиструнку,
Дали Вове барабан,
Ну а Жене дудку.

Песня спета. Просьба: «Бис!».... >>

13.05.10 - 05:18
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Five Little Pigs   ::   Christie Agatha

Страница: 2 из 56
He said it made no difference-not to him. He and I were John and Carla-and the past didn’t matter.’

She leaned forward.

‘We’re still engaged. But all the same, you know, itdoes matter. It matters to me. And it matters to John too…It isn’t the past that matters to us-it’s the future.’ She clenched her hands. ‘We want children, you see. We both want children. And we don’t want to watch our children growing up and be afraid.’

Poirot said:

‘Do you not realize that amongst every one’s ancestors there has been violence and evil?’

‘You don’t understand. That’s so, of course. But then, one doesn’t usually know about it. We do. It’s very near to us. And sometimes-I’ve seen John just look at me. Such a quick glance-just a flash. Supposing we were married and we’d quarrelled-and I saw him look at me and-andwonder?’

Hercule Poirot said: ‘How was your father killed?’

Carla’s voice came clear and firm.

‘He was poisoned.’

Hercule Poirot said: ‘I see.’

There was a silence.

Then the girl said in a calm, matter-of-fact voice:

‘Thank goodness you’re sensible. You see that it does matter-and what it involves. You don’t try and patch it up and trot out consoling phrases.’

‘I understand very well,’ said Poirot. ‘What I do not understand is what you want ofme?’

Carla Lemarchant said simply:

‘I want to marry John! And I mean to marry John! And I want to have at least two girls and two boys. And you’re going to make that possible!’

‘You mean-you want me to talk to your fiance? Ah no, it is idiocy what I say there! It is something quite different that you are suggesting. Tell me what is in your mind.’

‘Listen, M. Poirot. Get this-and get it clearly. I’m hiring you to investigate a case of murder.’

‘Do you mean-?’

‘Yes, I do mean. A case of murder is a case of murder whether it happened yesterday or sixteen years ago.’

‘But my dear young lady-’

‘Wait, M. Poirot. You haven’t got it all yet. There’s a very important point.’


‘My mother was innocent,’ said Carla Lemarchant.

Hercule Poirot rubbed his nose. He murmured:

‘Well, naturally-I comprehend that-’

‘It isn’t sentiment. There’s her letter. She left it for me before she died. It was to be given to me when I was twenty-one. She left it for that one reason-that I should be quite sure. That’s all that was in it. That she hadn’t done it-that she was innocent-that I could be sure of that always.’

Hercule Poirot looked thoughtfully at the young vital face staring so earnestly at him. He said slowly:

‘Tout de meme-’

Carla smiled.

‘No, mother wasn’t like that! You’re thinking that it might be a lie-a sentimental lie?’ She leaned forward earnestly. ‘Listen, M. Poirot, there are some things that children know quite well. I can remember my mother-a patchy remembrance, of course, but I remember quite well thesort of person she was. She didn’t tell lies-kind lies. If a thing was going to hurt she always told you so. Dentists, or thorns in your finger-all that sort of thing. Truth was a-a natural impulse to her. I wasn’t, I don’t think, especially fond of her-but I trusted her. Istill trust her! If she says she didn’t kill my father then she didn’t kill him! She wasn’t the sort of person who would solemnly write down a lie when she knew she was dying.’

Slowly, almost reluctantly, Hercule Poirot bowed his head.

Carla went on.

‘That’s why it’s all right forme marrying John.I know it’s all right.But he doesn’t. He feels that naturally I would think my mother was innocent. It’s got to be cleared up, M. Poirot. Andyou’re going to do it!’

Hercule Poirot said slowly:

‘Granted that what you say is true, mademoiselle, sixteen years have gone by!’

Carla Lemarchant said: ‘Oh! of course it’s going to bedifficult! Nobody butyou could do it!’

Hercule Poirot’s eyes twinkled slightly. He said:

‘You give me the best butter-hein?’ 

Carla said:

‘I’ve heard about you. The things you’ve done. Theway you have done them. It’s psychology that interests you, isn’t it? Well, that doesn’t change with time. The tangible things are gone-the cigarette-end and the footprints and the bent blades of grass. You can’t look for those any more. But you can go over all the facts of the case, and perhaps talk to the people who were there at the time-they’re all alive still-and then-and then, as you said just now, you can lie back in your chair andthink. And you’ll know what really happened…’

Hercule Poirot rose to his feet. One hand caressed his moustache. He said:

‘Mademoiselle, I am honoured! I will justify your faith in me. I will investigate your case of murder. I will search back into the events of sixteen years ago and I will find out the truth.’

Carla got up. Her eyes were shining. But she only said:


Hercule Poirot shook an eloquent forefinger.

‘One little moment. I have said I will find out the truth. I do not, you understand, have the bias. I do not accept your assurance of your mother’s innocence. If she was guilty-eh bien, what then?’

Carla’s proud head went back. She said: 

‘I’m her daughter. I want thetruth!’

Hercule Poirot said:

‘En avant, then. Though it is not that, that I should say. On the contrary.En arriere…’

Book I


Chapter 1. Counsel for the Defence

‘Do I remember the Crale case?’ asked Sir Montague Depleach. ‘Certainly I do. Remember it very well. Most attractive woman. But unbalanced, of course. No self-control.’

He glanced sideways at Poirot.

‘What makes you ask me about it?’

‘I am interested.’

‘Not really tactful of you, my dear man,’ said Depleach, showing his teeth in his sudden famous ‘wolf’s smile’, which had been reputed to have such a terrifying effect upon witnesses. ‘Not one of my successes, you know. I didn’t get her off.’

‘I know that.’

Sir Montague shrugged his shoulders. He said:

‘Of course I hadn’t quite as much experience then as I have now. All the same I think I did all that could humanly be done. One can’t do much withoutco-operation. Wedid get it commuted to penal servitude. Provocation, you know. Lots of respectable wives and mothers got up a petition. There was a lot of sympathy for her.’

He leaned back stretching out his long legs. His face took on a judicial, appraising look.

‘If she’d shot him, you know, or even knifed him-I’d have gone all out for manslaughter. But poison-no, you can’t play tricks with that.


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